The first signs of syphilis

Syphilis is a widespread venereal disease that affects many organs: skin, bones, mucous membranes and the nervous system. This disease is characterized by a progressive slowed flow, which is usually divided into several periods.

The first stage does not manifest itself at all, but the other three are accompanied by their characteristic symptoms, which react to all systems and organs of man. Let's take a closer look at what the first signs of syphilis manifest in the body and what is worth paying close attention to in time to recognize the infection.

The first signs of infection of a person with syphilis

First, on the rectum, genitals or mucous membrane of the mouth, one small or several small ulcers is formed - a chankra with a compacted base. Sometimes they are so invisible that they do not bother the person with unpleasant sensations, although he is already infected. After about 5 weeks, the sores disappear, leaving clear scars in their place, and the bacteria are absorbed into the lymph nodes, after which they are distributed throughout the body. At the beginning of the primary period of the disease, the results of blood tests remain negative, and syphilis is detected about 6 weeks after infection.

Features of syphilis in women

For the fairer sex, this disease is the greatest threat, because it is often detected during pregnancy and this affects not only the woman, but also her fetus. Diagnosis of the primary stage of syphilis gives them a lot of trouble, since hard chancres usually arise inside the vagina and do not disturb the fair sex either with itching or with pain, and eventually disappear and the disease gradually goes to the second stage - more serious. It is manifested by redness on the skin, genitals, changes in the voice, and also loss of eyelashes and hair. The first bright sign of syphilis in women is a rash, which itself, then passes, then reappears, accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes.

In conclusion, I would like to note that with the appearance of primary signs of syphilis, it is necessary to immediately contact a venerologist-doctor so that he appoints competent and timely treatment.