Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos - signs

The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the end of a two-week fast and is widely celebrated by Orthodox Christians around the world. The death of Mother Jesus Christ is considered a holiday, because it is not death in the usual sense of the word. Maria's soul ascended to heaven to help everyone who asks her for help in her prayers . There is much to take on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

Folk features on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The official statute of the feast was received only at the dawn of the 6th century, when the order to celebrate it was introduced by the Emperor Mauritius. Since then, every year on August 28, Orthodox Christians go to the temples for service, where the traditional all-night vigil and the removal of the shroud are held. Afterwards they went home, laid the table and always repaired the cock and drank a quarter of a bottle of Russian vodka. According to the letter, it was necessary to have the whole harvest of bread before the Assumption of the Holy Virgin. Completed business in the field was a guarantee of prosperity and prosperity of the family, and those who did not have time to harvest could lose it because of the weather. At the same time they said: "Before the Assumption, plow-the last push", that is, stay with a good profit.

On this day, neighbors, relatives and relatives forgot about strife and squabbling, communicated, helped each other, sang and had fun. On this day, they did not refuse help to the needy - the poor and widows. Young girls were instructed to look for a groom, while saying: "You can not keep an eye on Uspenshchina - you'll have to spend the winter in the girls". In September, it was time for weddings, so, with a lucky coincidence, matchmakers were already knocking at the bride's house in the near future. According to the folk signs on the Assumption, sowing of winter crops begins - "Autumn this three days before the Assumption and three days after." The earth at this time is well prepared for sowing a new crop, it is nourished with curative substances that can ensure the growth of strong shoots, able to bear even the most severe frosts.

There is such a sign on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin - who will walk barefoot on dew, that will be ill all year. All living things, all nature on this day mourns for the loss of their intercessor and the earth herself cries, scattering her tears on the grass, that's why you can not walk on her bare feet, besides, autumn begins to gain strength and you can easily catch a cold. On this day, persons who were occupied with a problem or issue, went on business in old, different footwear. If for a whole day there was no discomfort, then they believed in the success of all undertakings, and if corns were formed on the feet, then they did not expect a favorable outcome.

Signs about the weather for the Assumption

To weather signs this day included such:

At the Assumption, young girls can not get their hair cut and throw out their hair, because in Russia they believed that it turned into tears of the Most Pure. In addition, on this day it was not customary to burn fires, to stove the stoves, so as not to attack the ills and misfortunes. But all sorts of magic rituals could be held, especially to attract love and health, wealth , prosperity. Such signs connected with the Assumption Day of the Virgin existed several tens of years ago, but today the interest in them does not cease.