Leptotriks in the smear

Microorganisms called leptotriks belong to the genus of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria that inhabit various natural water bodies. They can also live in tap water and swimming pools. Even in cases when doctors detect leptotriks in a smear, this does not mean that this infection was introduced into the female body by sexual way. In addition, the bacterium leptotriks can be detected in the oral cavity.

The name of these anaerobic bacteria was due to the similarity with long hairs (Leptos means "thin", and thrix is ​​"hair"). Thin and long strands of leptotriks are clearly visible when performing a smear microscopy. If a laboratory examination of the smear specialists found a leptotrix in a woman, then she will need to do some more additional tests. This is due to the fact that these microorganisms very often accompany such dangerous infections as trichomonads and chlamydia. In addition, leptotryx is found in women whose immunity is in an oppressed state, as well as people with HIV infection. If these microorganisms inhabit the oral cavity, then they can cause serious damage to the teeth.

Diagnosis and treatment of leptotriksa

To qualified experts to reveal in a smear of the woman of these bacteria of difficulties does not make. They are perfectly visible in the light field of a conventional microscope. These microorganisms look like strings and dashed lines. To finally confirm the diagnosis, a woman should undergo a number of additional studies. For this purpose, doctors use the methods of PCR and bacussis. The colony of data of anaerobic bacteria promptly begins to multiply if in the environment of their habitat the concentration of carbon dioxide increases.

Many doctors do not consider leptotriks a pathogenic bacterium. However, in most cases, when there are symptoms of leptotriks (gray spots in the sky, tongue and tonsils, vaginal discharge of the same gray color, and spots on its walls), there is still a need for treatment. Especially in cases where inflammatory processes are found, whose catalysts are these microorganisms. Of course, a man with sexual contact with leptotrichosis (and this name carries this disease) will not become infected, but it can cause serious problems for a woman. So, the bacterium leptotriks is the cause of miscarriages , as well as the development of bacterial complications in the fetus.

Unfortunately, with all the achievements of the world's medicine, treatment with leptotriks when detected in a smear according to standard-accepted schemes is not carried out because of absence. High efficiency, however, is demonstrated by such antibacterial drugs as tetracycline, levomycetin, clindamycin and metronidazole. For the treatment to be more successful, doctors advise a woman to conduct a number of additional studies to determine the antibiotic susceptibility of the pathogens. It is not recommended at the same time use for the treatment of leptotrichosis antibiotics, which belong to the fluoroquinalone series.

If a woman's body is affected by a mixed infection, then antibiotics of the so-called broad spectrum of action should be selected. These drugs are the most effective against the causative agents of this infection.

To warn this insidious disease is difficult, but still possible. The main and basic rule that should be observed by all women is the observance of the simplest rules of personal hygiene. If the house in you there is no special filter to clean tap water, then drink from the tap it is not worth it. When bathing in open natural reservoirs, try not to swallow accidentally got into the mouth water, which for leptotriksa is a natural habitat.