Hormonal disorders in women

The condition of the hormonal background of a woman largely determines the quality of her life. On how its endocrine system functions, the health of the organism as a whole and the state of the reproductive system in particular depends. Various hormonal disorders in women become the root cause of most gynecological and other diseases.

Breaking the hormonal background in women - the causes and symptoms

The causes of hormonal disorders in women are many: from banal (ordinary stress) to more serious and even life-threatening. Thus, the violation of the balance of female hormones occurs because of:

A classic symptom of a hormonal imbalance in women is the disruption of the menstrual cycle (the norm is 21-35 days). Menstruation with this irregular, painful, abundant or meager, intermenstrual bleeding is possible.

In many cases, hormonal disorders are detected in a woman only when she visits a doctor with reproductive health problems: miscarriage , inability to become pregnant for a long time, and the like.

In young women and teenage girls, hormonal disorders manifest themselves:

In women of menopausal age, hormonal disorders are indicated by:

Treatment of hormonal disorders in women

Treatment of hormonal disorders in women directly depends on the nature of the disorder and the cause that caused it. This can be judged only after careful diagnostic activities (ultrasound, hormonal profile, analysis for sexual infections, etc.).

After the diagnosis, women are most often offered hormonal correction of the problem. In parallel, if necessary, antibacterial treatment may be prescribed. Adolescent girls and women during the menopause are recommended to follow certain diets. In rare cases, treatment of hormonal disorders in women requires surgical intervention.

Do not be afraid of hormone therapy. Those days when large doses of hormones undermined health and worsened the appearance of our mothers and grandmothers have long since passed. Modern hormonal preparations, in particular COC, contain scanty doses of hormones, due to what do not have a negative effect on the female body. Treatment of hormonal disorders in women with hormonal drugs is an effective practice applied in all civilized countries.

Female herbs with hormonal disorders

Traditional medicine has in its arsenal of drugs from virtually all diseases and conditions, hormonal disorders in women - is no exception. The effectiveness of folk methods is not believed by most modern doctors, but women are genuinely hopeful for their effectiveness.

Traditional treatment with so-called "female" herbs is used for hormonal disorders for many generations. Sage, goose goatee, meadow chamber, cuff, oregano, hops, linden, flax, mallow, nettle and other herbs have a favorable effect on the hormonal background of a woman. Some of them stimulate the production of estrogen, others progesterone, others activate the production of female sex hormones in general, normalize the menstrual cycle.

It is appropriate to use phytotherapy only with a slight hormonal imbalance and only after carrying out the necessary studies to determine its nature.