Complete blockade of the right bundle branch leg

A complete blockade of the right bundle of the bundle is a problem that is not very common in young patients. Her "favorites" are older people. This is a rather dangerous disease, which is not so easy to detect, but it is very important to cure it in a timely manner.

Causes of complete blockade of the right bundle branch leg

The right and left legs of the bundle move away from the single trunk. They make up the mechanism by which the heart muscle works. Nerve impulses pass through them. The complete blockade is diagnosed when the excitation is stopped.

As practice shows, most often the problem is diagnosed in men. The main reasons for the complete blockade of the right leg of the bundle are as follows:

Signs and manifestations of a complete blockade of the right bundle

The biggest problem is that in almost all cases, a complete blockade does not make itself felt. Occasionally, patients will experience disorders that are discernible when listening to cardiac tones. But a layman without special equipment, of course, can not discern them. Therefore, most often the disease is found by accident.

In order not to run a full blockade of the right leg of the bundle of His, patients are advised to regularly make ECG. A simple procedure will solve many problems.

Treatment of complete blockade of the right bundle branch leg

Blockade of treatment does not require. To get rid of it it is possible, only if to overcome the reason of its occurrence. Most often, patients are prescribed drugs that help reduce blood pressure, glycosides, nitrates. If conservative methods prove ineffective, a pacemaker may need to be installed. In some cases, surgery is required.

Consequences of complete blockade of the right bundle branch legs

Even if the blockade is asymptomatic, over time it can begin to pose a serious threat to life. Against the background of the problem, ventricular arrhythmia develops, paroxysmal tachycardia .