Black raspberry - planting and care

The difference between black raspberries and red, in addition to color, is that it does not give a root shoot, practically does not get sick and is not attacked by pests, does not crumble when ripening, is not afraid of drought, requires less care and fructifies earlier.

When growing black raspberries are undemanding to the soil and leaving, however, to get a good harvest, something still needs to be known and this knowledge must be strictly followed.

Planting black raspberries

For this culture it is better to choose well-lit and inflated areas. Ideally, the neighbor of black raspberries should be red raspberries, but it's better not to plant a blackberry next to them - they can not coexist. Tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines and other nightshades are undesirable as precursors.

When planting it is important to observe the correct distance between rows and bush. If you make a sparse planting, the plants will be well illuminated by the sun and ventilated.

Ideal soil for black raspberries is fertile and light loam, containing nutrients and minerals in sufficient quantities. In the soil there should be no stagnation of moisture, it should keep the heat well and be breathable.

The process of vegetation in this plant begins quite early. The best time for planting black raspberries is early spring, in autumn plantings are undesirable because raspberries do not tolerate cold, especially in the first year.

The pit should be made about 0.5 meters deep, wide it should be at least 40-50 cm. First fill it with a mixture of charcoal and humus by 20 cm, then pour it with water and only then straighten the roots and place a seedling in the pit , sprinkle it with earth with sand and complex fertilizer and again pour.

After planting, caring for black raspberries consists in mulching, timely watering, tying, pruning, feeding, proper preparation for the winter.

Popular varieties of black raspberries

In addition to the widespread variety of "Cumberland" there are other equally interesting varieties of black raspberries: