Wedding bouquet of carnations

For some reason it is believed that carnations are male flowers, and they are presented to men at especially solemn events. Carnation in its laconicism and variegated forms reminds of the fortitude of the spirit and steadfastness. But what about the carnation as a wedding flower? To do this, it is worth looking at the original symbolism of the carnation.

Carnation as a symbol

In translation from Greek, carnation means "divine flower". It is a symbol of the Christian understanding of love, which is distinguished by its depth and meekness.

In Roman mythology it is said that the clove appeared to the world from the eyes of the shepherd who played the pipe. The huntress Artemis came to him angry that he had frightened all the animals with his game. In a fit of rage, Artemis tore out his eyes, but regretted it, and threw them. And of them rose carnations.

Therefore, carnation is a symbol of innocently spilled blood on one legend, and in another worldview it is associated with love.

Thus, the bride's bouquet of carnations is symbolic, but sad. A lot of time has passed since the carnation was perceived in these keys, and therefore many today can not take them into account, and simply enjoy the beauty of these flowers.

Wedding bouquet of red carnations

Red flowers on the background of snow-white dresses look very beautiful - a saturated scarlet color contrasts prominently, and therefore it is acceptable. But red flowers do not always use during the wedding, most often - white, cream or pink.

Red carnations should be chosen by brides, who wear scarlet accessories in a wedding dress.

Wedding bouquet of white carnations

Wedding bouquet of the bride from white carnations looks gently and laconically. Particularly interesting white carnations look in combination with other colors - for example, pink carnations. The result is a classic bridal bouquet in pastel shades. If you choose a bright and contrast combination - with red carnations, then this bouquet will be remembered by many.