Emergency care for myocardial infarction

"Attention, we introduce adrenaline. Sister, watch the indicators of the cardiograph. So, the skin becomes pink, he comes to himself. Thank you all, the danger is over. " Do you think these are the frames from the medical series? No matter how it is: this is the regular situation of the doctors of the most ordinary "first aid", caused to a patient with a heart attack and having performed their work in the first class.

There are hundreds or even thousands of such situations every day. But before the medical help comes, it will take some time, and for the patient it will not be from the lungs. Therefore, relatives and relatives simply need to know how to provide emergency care for myocardial infarction and similar conditions. Let's look at an action plan that should be followed if you or your acquaintances get caught up in such delicate circumstances.

Why does myocardial infarction occur?

But before learning to provide first aid in case of an infarction, let's get acquainted with the causes and types of this condition. In this way we will be able to consider the onset of an attack at its very inception and more effectively counter the development of this very dangerous condition.

So, myocardial infarction is nothing more than a sharp oxygen starvation of the heart muscle. Due to high or severely fallen blood pressure, excessive workload, severe excitement, exacerbation of existing heart diseases, blood supply to the heart suddenly decreases. Consequently, cardiac tissues lose inadequate nutrients and oxygen, and there is a severe malfunction in cardiovascular activity.

The most common clinic for myocardial infarction is severe pain behind the sternum on the left, accompanied by panic and fear of death, blushing of the skin and mucous membranes, protrusion of cold sticky sweat, nausea and vomiting. Pain can be given to the left arm and scapula, to the lower jaw and teeth, but unlike the pain in angina, the pain with myocardial infarction is quite weak in eliminating nitraglycyrin.

Other forms of myocardial infarction are also distinguished:

  1. When abdominal (abdominal) form of the heart attack manifests itself, as an exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis.
  2. With asthmatic form, he disguises himself for the symptoms of bronchial asthma. However, it differs in that neither the gastric nor the antiasthmatics help.
  3. The painless form of myocardial infarction is considered the most terrible and dangerous. It passes completely without any pain and finds itself only a sharp decline in strength with the most minor physical exertion.

But no matter how this dangerous state manifested itself, the competent provision of emergency care for myocardial infarction before the arrival of the "first aid" will surely save the victim from death. Let's see now what steps are worth taking, being next to such a person.

Emergency help with myocardial infarction

If the victim is conscious, then his first actions in case of a heart attack are a call to an ambulance, taking nitroglycerin under the tongue and putting him to bed. A good solution will also be to call relatives, relatives or at least a neighbor.

As a first aid in acute myocardial infarction to nitraglycyrin, it is not superfluous to add aspirin tablets. They are in the number of several pieces put in your mouth and thoroughly chewed, not washed down with water. Actions of medicines can be backed up also with a point massage. With gentle rhythmic presses for 1 minute, massage the points located on one horizontal line. The first is just below the left nipple in men or under the left breast in women. And the second - at the end of the segment, drawn from the above described point to the middle of the sternum. Attention, both points are very painful, so massage them carefully.

If the victim has lost consciousness, and the pulse on the carotid arteries is not probed, proceed to an indirect massage of the heart and artificial breathing by the method of mouth to mouth or mouth to nose:

  1. First, make a sharp strong punch in the area of ​​the apex of the heart, then inhale with full chest, put a handkerchief on the patient's face and vigorously exhale all the air from his lungs into the nose or into the victim's mouth. The breast at the latter should thus rise, as when inhaling.
  2. Now put your hands on the chest in the heart area and make 15 rhythmical clicks. Then again, inhale, and again 15 clicks on the heart.

Massage continue until the victim does not come to himself, or the ambulance arrives.

Such help with myocardial infarction, provided it is literally rendered, can pull a poor fellow even from the other world. However, if you monitor your health, get treatment promptly and conduct a measured lifestyle, then urgent help with myocardial infarction is not needed for lack thereof.