Healing ointment for skin

The risk of getting various skin damages lies in wait for us everywhere: at home, at work, on the street. These include thermal and chemical burns, frostbite, cuts, scratches, abrasions, calluses, insect bites, etc. As you know, even small skin lesions are the entrance gates for penetration into the body of the infection, and this can cause inflammation of not only skin tissues, but also damage to internal organs. Therefore, any skin trauma should be properly treated.

At the initial stage after getting the damage, as a rule, it is necessary to clean the affected area, stop bleeding, disinfect with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage. If the violation of the integrity of the skin is small, you can do it on your own, but if the wound is deep, you should definitely go to a medical institution. Further, for faster healing, regeneration of tissues, you can use special healing ointments for the skin, while always taking into account the stage of the wound process.

Ointments that quickly heal the skin in the early stages of damage

Approximately in the first 3-5 days after injury, inflammation of the surface of damaged skin, tissue dying, and the release of pus are observed. During this period, the most rational use of combined healing ointments for the skin with broad-spectrum antibiotics that will help to eliminate infectious processes, and, at the same time, promote normal granulation (wound healing with a new connective tissue).

From the means in the form of an ointment at this stage, it is rational to use the following medicines:

  1. Levomekol - ointment, which contains an effective antibiotic chloramphenicol and a substance methyluracil, which has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and reparative effect.
  2. Algofin is an ointment containing chlorophyll-carotene paste of natural origin, possessing antibacterial and antifungal effect, anti-inflammatory properties, enhancing regenerative and reparation processes.
  3. Iruksol is an ointment with broad-spectrum antibiotic chloramphenicol and an enzyme of the hydrolase class with clostridio peptidase, which facilitates the rapid cleaning of the wound and accelerates the processes of granulation.

Healing ointments for the skin in the second stage of the wound process

As the wound heals, purulent discharge decreases, its surface dries up, tightens, scar tissue forms. At this stage it is important to protect young tissues from damage, over-drying and infection, to help the skin tissues to recover sooner. For this purpose, you can use such healing ointments for skin of the face, hands and body:

  1. Solcoseryl is an ointment based on deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves.
  2. Bepanten is a popular healing ointment for skin based on dexpanthenol (analogues: pantoderm ointment, Dexpanthenol ointment).
  3. Calendula ointment contains calendula tincture.
  4. Apilak Grindeks - ointment, the active ingredient of which is the powder of native royal jelly bees.
  5. Radevit is an active ointment containing α-tocopherol acetate, retinol palmitate and ergocalciferol.
  6. Vulnuzan is an ointment based on the mother liquor of Pomorie Lake.
  7. Ebermin - ointment, which has in its composition the epidermal growth factor of human recombinant, as well as sulfadiazine silver.

It is worth noting that there are also many healing remedies for the skin presented in other medicinal forms: