Allergy to insect bites

Allergy is a very unpleasant disease, which affects both children and adults. People suffering from coughing and an unremitting rhinitis during the flowering of certain plants, can not but cause pity. And for those who are stained with the slightest contact with the fur of domestic animals, unwittingly begin to experience even the most unsentimental. The allergy to insect bites is not so common, but it looks, believe me, no less terribly. Worse, in some cases - if you do not give the problem enough attention - it can even lead to death.

Symptoms of an allergy to insect bites

There are three main ways of penetration of allergens into the body:

A normal reaction is a change in the color of the skin at the site of the injury and the appearance of a slight swelling in it. Allergy to insect bites is manifested by large swelling, severe itching and redness, spreading over large areas of the epidermis. In addition, the main signs of an allergic reaction include:

Usually the manifestations of allergy do not make you wait long and make yourself felt in a few hours after contact with the insect.

What should I do if I have an allergy to insect bites?

First aid depends on which insect bites. If it was a wasp or a bee, it is necessary to remove the sting immediately from the wound.

If there is an edema to the place of injury, ice or a cold compress should be applied.

To comb allergic lesions it is impossible - in the formed sores can get an infection. Antihemistamines help to remove the itching:

Effective ointments from allergies to insect bites. Such tools as:

They quickly relieve pain, reduce swelling and relieve the obsessive itching.

If a bite fell on the neck or face, it is advisable to consult a specialist - such a trauma can be very serious. Professional treatment for allergy to insect bites is also required when the reaction is too acute.