Tantum Verde for children

Tantum Verde is a magnificent drug that is widely used in medical practice due to its medicinal properties and a minimum of side effects.

It is available in various pharmaceutical forms:

Often tantum verde is prescribed for the treatment of children, especially it is common in dental and lorg practice. This is due to the fact that tarantum Verde has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and in a short time copes with various diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, which bring significant discomfort to the child.

Tantum Verde - composition

As we mentioned above, the active substance of the drug tantum verde is benzidamine hydrochloride. The remaining components of the drug are auxiliary substances, and depend on the dosage form. For example, in the composition of the tartoured spear Verde, in addition to the active substance, the following components are included:

Tantum Verde - indications and contraindications

Since tartum Verde has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, it is often used in the following pathologies:

Contraindications tantum verde is:

Like any caring parent, you probably were confused by the last contraindication of the drug tantum verde, since you were appointed by his pediatrician for the treatment of young children. Perhaps you are confused and do not understand - from what age can you apply tantum verde to children?

We want to note that the drug itself (active substance) does not have strict limitations in terms of the age from which it can be used. Contraindications, mainly related to the release of the drug tantum verde - because there is no special form for children, and in pediatrics use and tablets, and spray, and solution ..

Sprays (not only tantum verde) are undesirable to use to children up to the age of 3 years, as "pshik" can provoke a reflex laryngospasm. And this, in turn, is a dangerous condition. Therefore, if your doctor is a baby doctor has appointed or nominated a spray tantum verde, we advise to use its alternative method - to sprinkle a dummy in the necessary dosage and to give the child for resorption. Thus, you will provide the baby and adequate treatment, and at the same time, protect him from dangerous complications.

The same goes for tablets - a child of up to 3-4 years simply does not understand what "dissolve" a candy, and can choke on it. Therefore candy tantum verde should be used to treat older children.

Rinse solution is recommended for children over 6-7 years old when they can gargle, so that they do not swallow a certain amount of the drug.

I would also like to emphasize that the use of the drug tertum verde for children over the age of 3 years has no significant contraindications (in addition to allergies).

Be healthy!