How to start vegetarianism?

Vegetarianism means the rejection of meat, the diet is dominated by plant foods, eggs and dairy products are acceptable, in some cases, seafood and fish. The transition to such a table should be gradual and deliberate, it is not recommended to dramatically change the way of life , it is better to go through several stages - from taking a deliberate decision to completely changing the menu.

First you need to think carefully and set yourself a clear goal to become a vegetarian. Weigh all the pros and cons of this way of life. The positive aspects are the health of the body and inner harmony, but there are also negative moments - it may be necessary to change the circle of close people, to face misunderstanding in the team, to learn how to cook in a new way.

The essence of vegetarianism

The essence of vegetarianism is the refusal of food of animal origin, that is, meat of animals, poultry, and sometimes seafood and fish are excluded, this depends on the type of vegetarianism you decided to go to. After all, all proteins and vitamin-mineral complex, contained in meat products, can be replaced by analogues of plant origin, that is, the body can receive them from fruits and vegetables.

Vegetarianism helps to fight excess weight, as plant foods contain proteins and complex carbohydrates, and there is very little fat in it. With the splitting of fruits and vegetables, the body receives a full set of essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

Vegetarianism is useful for the work of the gastrointestinal tract, because plant products are more quickly split and do not stagnate, they do not form stool and slag. Well-coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract helps proper metabolism in the body, the cells do not starve and do not have the need to store nutrients in the sediments.

Switch to vegetarianism

Change the usual food for a vegetarian menu is recommended in stages. First, exclude from the diet animal meat and products from it - pork, veal, lamb, sausages, sausages, smoked ham and so on. It is better to get used to such a menu within a month. At the next stage, poultry meat - chicken, duck, turkey, is excluded from the diet. To a new table get used also about one month. After adaptation to the predominantly vegetative food, you can, at will, switch to hard vegetarianism , excluding seafood and all sorts of fish from the menu, but not all vegetarians do so. The organism needs animal protein in minimal doses, without it the immune system of the human body suffers, and the fish is ideal for its replenishment.

Getting used to vegetarianism, learn to use products of only plant origin for the daily diet. Expanding your imagination, you can cook vegetable or fish cutlets to replace the usual meat, a variety of lean soups without meat, cereals with different vegetables and so on.

Turning to vegetarianism, you can continue to use some products that give us animals, that is, milk and eggs. Of course, it is possible to use fermented milk products and cottage cheese. Without restriction, honey is allowed.

The main emphasis in the vegetarian menu is made on vegetable food - fruits, vegetables, root crops, cereals. Such food is eaten fresh or cooked using a predominantly steaming method, cooking and quenching. Do not forget, if you decide to fry vegetables, then use only vegetable oils and completely eliminate butter and other fats of animal origin.