Carbonated water is harmful and useful

Sweet soda is familiar to us from childhood, and even adults do not refuse a glass of this soft drink. However, there are still disputes about how the "pop" affects the body.

Harm and benefit of soda water

The use of natural carbonated water was known to ancient doctors. Natural soda is in many respects different from the water of unnatural gasification.

  1. It is more effective in fighting thirst than ordinary water.
  2. The use of natural carbonated mineral water is due to the presence in it of various minerals ( sodium , calcium, magnesium), which restore the acid-base balance of blood, help keep the teeth and bones strong, and also ensure normal muscle functioning.
  3. Natural soda helps to improve digestion, irritating the walls of the stomach, it stimulates the production of gastric juice. Therefore, drinking such water is beneficial to people who have gastritis with a low acidity.

However, the use of water for health can be harmful, for example, if it is used by people who have gastritis with an increased level of acidity. Some people after drinking carbonated water are concerned about belching and bloating. In addition, sweet soda, so beloved by children, because of the presence of phosphoric acid and caffeine in it helps to wash out calcium from the bones. Sweeteners and dyes, which are added to sweet soda water, can cause allergic reaction and obesity. Thus, the benefits of this water is very doubtful. Previously, in the sweet soda added natural ingredients - extracts of herbs, fruit juices and infusions. Such soda will be useful, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find such water in stores today, and its price is much higher than the cost of artificial soda.