The most extreme methods of losing weight

When a huge number of diets have already been tried, and extra pounds still do not go away, women decide on more extreme ways of losing weight, but is this risk justified and will it bring results?

Reduction of the stomach

Despite the fact that this method is quite dangerous, many women still decide on this step. The principle of this method - in operating surgeons reduce the size of the stomach, sewing it. Thanks to this, you will only need to eat 30 g and the stomach will be full. Because of this, weight loss occurs quickly enough. This procedure is recommended for people who have obesity 4 degrees. There is a high risk of various gastric infections, bleeding and intestinal obstruction.

The use of insulin

This method is very often used by people who have diabetes. The principle of this method is that the patient uses the minimum amount of insulin instead of the required dose. To reduce the level of sugar in the blood, this is not enough to get the energy the body begins to consume the accumulated fatty deposits. The result of this procedure is very good, but it is risky enough and you should not abuse this method. You should understand that this method of losing weight can lead to death.


Today the price for this procedure is not very large, which means that almost every woman can afford it. Principle of procedure - in the problem area of ​​your body, the doctor makes several cuts into which a tube is inserted, it is moved back there to destroy the stored fat. After this, fat is sucked through this tube. After the procedure, bruises and bruises remain in the cuts, but in a month they will disappear. Statistics show that over time, fat will return and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Pills to reduce appetite

There are a huge number of tablets, among which really effective are very few. Basically, in tablets are substances that do not in any way reduce excess weight, but only cause addiction. Diet pills are very harmful to the body, for example, the pressure decreases, the work of the stomach and intestines is broken, etc. If you still want to try to lose weight with pills, then consult a doctor who will help you choose a good drug.

Taking laxatives

Such drugs remove from the body not only slags and excess water, but also useful microelements and vitamins. The effect of losing weight occurs only due to loss of water, but not extra pounds. The intake of laxatives can cause the development of serious problems in the body, for example, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, problems in the work of the intestine,

Taking diuretics

Action on the body is almost identical to tablets. Diuretics can completely dehydrate the body, which will entail serious problems. Especially the water in the body will be delayed even more, which means that you will not lose weight, but will get fat.


Many women still use fasting to get rid of extra pounds. Every day the feeling of hunger will be more and more. You will experience headaches, nausea, weakness, irritation and others, even more unpleasant effects. In addition, you will not receive vitamins and microelements necessary for the organism and when you return to the normal diet of a kilogram to return in doubled quantities.


Actions aimed at inducing vomiting after overeating are unsafe, since this method causes permanent heartburn, dehydration, ulcer and even inflammation of the esophagus. In the end, conscious vomiting can cause heart problems, and even death.

We hope that you will never come up with the use of such methods in order to get rid of extra pounds.