Lymphostasis of the lower limbs - treatment

Lymphostasis is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of lymph drainage, because of which permanent drainage of tissues ceases. The clinical manifestation of lymphostasis of the lower extremities is swelling of one or both legs. Progressing disease is irreversible and leads to the formation of fibrous tissue - a significant thickening of the legs. Treatment of lymphostasis of the lower extremities should be performed by a lymphologist or a freelancer, as self-medication leads to disability.

Therapy of lymphostasis takes place simultaneously in two directions:

When the disease is recommended, a special manual lymph drainage massage, which activates the contraction of the lymph vessels, or pneumocompression - hardware massage. It is also used therapeutic bandaging of legs with elastic bandage - bandage. In recent decades golfs, stockings and tights from medical compression jersey have been successfully used. A medical-physical complex for patients suffering from lymphostasis of the lower extremities was developed, which is recommended to be performed exclusively in compression stockings.

Medicamentous treatment of lymphostasis of lower extremities

Preparations for the treatment of lymphostasis of the lower extremities improve the microcirculation of lymph in the tissues. At the initial stages of the disease to get rid of swelling apply:

The best way to use the drug used for lymphostasis of the lower extremities is Bioflavonoid detralex (Fleobody, Diosmin, Vasoket). The course of treatment is between two and six months.

Glycoside saponin, containing the active substance of chestnut fruit, serves as the basis for the production of venotonic and antiexudative, effective for lymphostasis of the lower extremities, Escin preparation (trade names Venastat, Aescin, Escuzan, etc.).

To remove accumulated fluid , diuretics (diuretics) are also used. With concomitant inflammatory diseases (erysipelas and lymphangitis), antibiotics are prescribed.

Treatment of lymphostasis of the lower extremities by folk remedies

In the treatment of secondary (acquired) lymphostasis of the lower limbs, as ancillary, traditional medicine can be used. Effective use of compresses from a grated baked onion in the husk, mixed with a tablespoon of tar. The mixture is applied to a cotton base, applied to a sore spot, fixed with a bandage and left overnight. Procedures should be repeated daily for two months.

For internal reception is recommended infusion of 350 ml of honey and 250 g of grated garlic. During the week the drug is infused, in the future it should be taken on a tablespoon before meals for at least two months.

To activate the circulation of lymph and general health of the body it is very useful to drink twice a day a drink from a glass of filtered (or bottled without gas) water, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey.

Recently, an ancient method of treating lymphostasis by means of hirudotherapy has become more and more popular - applying leeches to edematic zones. Thanks to this type of therapy, the circulation of blood and lymph is improved.

In the absence of a stable result in the complex treatment of lymphostasis of the lower extremities and with the appearance of fibrosis and lymphatic sacks on the diseased leg, an operation is performed. In the process of surgical intervention, detours for the movement of lymph are created, which makes it possible to improve the condition of a patient with a chronic form of the disease.