How to drink water properly during the day?

The question of how to properly drink water throughout the day, bothers every person who is monitoring their health. The importance of water for the normal functioning of the body is evidenced by the following facts:

How to drink water during the day?

The amount of water per day is calculated in accordance with the weight of a person. An important role is also played by the seasonal factor and the type of human activity. To determine how best to drink water throughout the day, it is worth considering:

Answering the question, how to drink water during the day, experts advise:

  1. Drink a day from 8 to 12 glasses of pure non-carbonated water without any additives.
  2. It is very useful to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach and for an hour and a half before going to sleep.
  3. Drink water should be half an hour before a meal or at least 1-2 hours after eating. Such a system helps to improve the process of digestion and the removal of toxins from the body.
  4. After eating meat, it is better to drink water 3-4 times after eating.
  5. During exercise and training, water should be drunk in small amounts to restore balance. This is due to active loss of fluid due to sweating. You can pre-drink a glass before training, creating a supply of fluid before the load.
  6. At a time, it is best to drink no more than 1 cup of water. With obesity and stress, the dose can be doubled.
  7. Drinking water should be done slowly in small sips, so it is easier to digest.
  8. Various drinks - juices, tea, coffee, are not considered when calculating the daily amount of water. Conversely, beverages with a high content of caffeine and sugar lead to dehydration of the body. The same applies to all types of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

On how often to drink water throughout the day, nutritionists note that in this issue you need to focus on the individual needs of the body. If you feel thirst or signs of dehydration, you must immediately restore the balance of fluid in the body. Lack of water is manifested by such symptoms:

For some people, accustomed to quench their thirst for tea or coffee , it is difficult to switch to regular drinking water. There are several tricks how to drink more water during the day:

The process of getting used to it will be easier if you first compile a table for drinking water. Having developed the habit of drinking water correctly, you will immediately feel a surge of strength, vigor and energy. For many it helps to get rid of extra pounds and metabolic disorders.