Endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy

As you know, the emergence of pregnancy is very difficult when the uterus is affected by endometriosis. With the long course of this pathology, cysts can expand, affecting one or both ovaries simultaneously.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

Endometriosis ovarian cyst and pregnancy are two incompatible concepts. This is explained by the fact that with this disease there is an expansion of the endometrium. In the future, on the affected areas, cysts are formed, the contents of which often have a brown color.

Symptoms of the endometrioid cyst of the ovary, as a rule, are few. In most cases, the pathology is detected with ultrasound. Only in certain cases a woman can suspect a disease, because of the presence of:

Why does the endometrial cyst lead to infertility?

As mentioned above, pregnancy often does not occur precisely because of the presence of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, of which the woman often does not know. So, infertility can be the result of a banal hormonal failure, which is not uncommon in cysts. In addition, often the cyst develops against the background of already existing endometriosis, which in turn prevents the occurrence of pregnancy.

How is treatment of the endometrioid ovarian cyst?

The only method of treatment of this pathology is surgical intervention. Thus, in most cases, the endometriotic ovarian cyst is removed by the lararoscopy method . In this operation, trauma to neighboring organs and tissues occurs to a lesser degree, which helps reduce the risk of complications.

The next step after surgical treatment is hormonal therapy. Its main goal is to restore the normal menstrual cycle and prevent the recurrence of endometriosis. All prescriptions are strictly individual and depend on the extent of endometrial damage. In most cases, they use gestagens, which are a synthetic copy of female sex hormones.

As a rule, pregnancy after treatment and removal of the endometrioid cyst occurs within 6-12 months. There are cases when conception occurred only 3 months after the appropriate treatment.

Thus, the endometrioid ovarian cyst can be treated successfully, as do many other gynecological diseases. The main task of the woman is constant control of her health, which will allow to establish pathology at the initial stage and will not allow her to develop.