Black currant jam - good and bad

Black currant jam - can be called still pleasant to the taste, aromatic and useful dessert. The medicinal properties of the product can be judged by the composition of vitamins in it (B, P, C, K, E), folic acid . Currant jam preserves the whole complex of beneficial properties of berries for our body even after cooking. Below you will learn not only about the benefits, but also the possible harm of jam for the human body.

The basic composition of useful substances of jam from a black currant:

Black currant jam - good or bad?

The taste qualities of black currant jam are remembered immediately. A few spoons of jam a day will help to forget about some ailments. The product serves as an excellent vasodilator, blood cleanser and tonic. Also it is used in the quality of the drug with a weak diuretic effect. Thanks to useful substances, jam is recommended to improve appetite and stimulate metabolic processes in the body. It has long been noted that jam from black currant affects the effectiveness of improving the whole body.

The use of black currant jam can be noticed with weakened immunity, with diabetes or atherosclerosis. Doctors even recommend eating black currant with a slight radiation damage. Jam will help in the treatment of gastritis and to get rid of avitaminosis, with a lowered level of hemoglobin in the blood.

You can eat raw jam from black currant, and the benefit of the product is that for its preparation, the berries are simply rubbed with sugar, which means that the jam retains all the useful properties of the currant. What is surprising, you can eat currant jam even in the process of losing weight, as the product helps to cleanse the digestive tract, remove slag, improve digestion, leads to a rapid sense of satiety and is well absorbed. To eat in excess of the rate simply does not want.


Jam from black currant has useful properties and contraindications. In the first place, jam contains a large amount of sugar, which is harmful for people with diabetes. Jam from a currant can cause harm to health if a person has thrombophlebitis. Phenolic compounds and vitamin K, which are in berries, are preserved in jam. This is not useful for those who suffer from poor blood coagulation. But if you use the product in reasonable quantities, you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

Still it is worth noting that for the preparation of jam you should choose only ripe berries. Perezrelye fruit lead to fermentation, which affects the condition of the digestive tract badly.

In general, the benefits of berries, of course more, you just need to remember the beneficial properties and contraindications of black currant jam. And in the season it is better to make more workpieces.