What are the benefits of pine nuts for beauty and health?

Pine nuts - the name of the seeds of several species of coniferous trees that grow in the Siberian lands. A small seed contains a lot of vitamins, which are necessary for every organism. Knowing how useful pine nuts are, you can raise your immunity and get rid of some diseases.

Benefits of pine nuts for the body

By the amount of protein content, pine nuts exceed even chicken meat , but even at such a significant excess of the norm, they are well absorbed, because they are very balanced. They are used even for medical purposes, for the preparation of drugs against anemia, with low immunity and allergies. Given the usefulness of pine nuts for the body, it is simply necessary to include them in the daily diet.

Folk recipes also very often include pine nuts. And although they are small in size, unlike other species, their portion of a hundred grams can give the body a daily rate of manganese, copper, cobalt and zinc. Vitamins from such a dose are absorbed by 99%, in contrast, for example, from meat, which is subject to the body by only 75%.

Pine nuts - chemical composition

Small nuts for many centuries are considered to be genuine Siberian gold. Previously, they were used in the treatment of many diseases, and some recipes have survived to this day. The composition of pine nuts includes vitamins and minerals and therefore they are quite caloric. On 100 g of the product there are 673 kcal, and its chemical complex looks as follows:

Pine nuts - the norm per day

For an adult, the daily norm of pine nuts should not exceed 40 g. Surprisingly, even such a small dosage is enough to satisfy the hunger for a long time, so some diets include cedar in their diet. Consuming the daily rate, you can put in order the nervous, cardiovascular system, raise immunity in the period of viral infections and colds.

Children's norm is not more than 30 grams per day. Not fully strengthened organism it will be difficult to assimilate so much high-quality protein. Considering the usefulness of pine nuts, they can easily be taken to girls during the period of bearing a child. The main thing is to take into account personal intolerance and not to try to exceed the daily norm, which is also 40 g.

What is useful for pine nuts for women?

The female body needs this product during the child's breastfeeding period. Especially they are necessary at the initial stages of milk production, or with its small amount. Even twenty seeds per day will help to increase the flow of fluid in the mammary glands and increase its quality, adding vitamins and beneficial microelements to its composition.

It is noticeable the benefits of pine nuts for women and during menopause. With the use of the daily norm, it proceeds less painfully and unnoticed. Hormonal disorders can be restored if the body receives vitamins contained in cedar seeds. Do not forget about vascular disorders. Many doctors advise you to start with atherosclerosis, not forgetting how useful pine nuts are and how to eat them daily.

What is useful for pine nuts for men?

The main influence of pine nuts for men is in the period of some diseases of sexual impotence . They perfectly expand the vessels and prevent congestion. More vitamin E protects the damaged cells from further destruction and regulates lipid metabolism. The main merit of this vitamin is the splitting of fatty deposits, which can provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

Men will be useful to eat a little fried nuts, which secrete more oil, because it is very useful. It contains a large amount of PUFA, which increase male potency and eliminate fatigue. To increase male activity, you can drink cedar oil for 1 tsp. a day, or use the daily rate for an adult.

The healing properties of pine nuts

Tasty and nutritious seeds, when properly used, bear undeniable benefits. The healing properties of pine nuts are known even abroad, although the cultivation of pine trees remains a very difficult and time-consuming process for them. They need to be eaten raw, fresh or slightly roasted, so they save more useful vitamins, with which you can cure the following diseases:

Cedar nuts treatment - recipes

Even pharmacists know how useful pine nuts are, and they actively use their components in many products. But folk methods are not forgotten and some infusions relieve the ailment in a shorter period than the pharmacy means. The treatment with pine nuts is very popular and some recipes are passed down from generation to generation:

  1. Atherosclerosis.
  2. Hemorrhoids.
  3. Update the blood.
  4. Eczema.

Tincture with honey syrup

This tincture is used to restore digestion.


Method of preparation and use:

  1. Thoroughly cleaned nut kernels dry and pour one liter of alcohol.
  2. Leave to stand for two weeks.
  3. Honey melt in a water bath.
  4. Pour alcohol into honey syrup, only not vice versa, otherwise there will be no effect.
  5. Leave to stand for one more week and then carefully strain.
  6. To eat before a meal, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Tincture of pine nuts on vodka - recipe

People who grew up in Siberia, argue that it is necessary to prepare this drink only from fresh raw materials. It is then that the taste of tincture on pine nuts turns out to be real and rich, and the drink itself is invigorating and curative. Do not forget about hygiene. It is imperative to thoroughly rinse the prepared cores and clean them of debris and husks.


Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepared kernels need two to three times scalded with boiling water, in order to wash off the resin, which can impart bitterness to the drink.
  2. Pour the vodka with vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark and cold place.
  3. At the end of time, the drug should be poured another container, and the rest is poured again with the same amount of alcohol, but the exposure should be no less than twenty days.
  4. You can take tincture not more than 50 grams at a time.

Decoction of pine nuts - application

When alcohol intolerance is advised to drink a decoction of pine nuts, the benefit of which will be visible to the naked eye. Such a drink is taken as a sedative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. With the help of it you can get rid of all varieties of cough and cold. It is worth considering that it can not be drunk during bleeding and the onset of menopause.


Method of preparation and use:

  1. Pour the nuts and let them stand until they are completely cool.
  2. Drink half a cup, between meals. A day allowed to drink no more than three glasses of tincture.

Cedar nut shell medicine

In addition to nuts, their eggshells have positive qualities. It contains amino acids, sucrose and micronutrients, so people have learned not to throw it away, but use it to improve one's health. The use of pine nut shells is used as prevention and treatment of funds and has strengthening and toning qualities.

Most often, drugs insist on vodka for internal and external use. Before pouring, it is desirable to grind the shells as small as possible, so that alcohol can absorb more vitamins. Like fruits, skin tincture is necessary, preferably about two weeks. In any case, the more the medicine stays, the more useful microelements will be given off by the shell.

Treatment of gout with pine nuts

Gout is a very unpleasant disease. The fruits of pine trees help to get rid of the painful sensations and stop the development of the disease at the initial and intermediate stages. The benefits of pine nuts are important for health, and therefore for the urine of the emitted system too. This tincture is suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, stomach disease.


Method of preparation and use:

  1. Put the shell in a dark container.
  2. Pour vodka and insist for at least ten days, with daily shaking.
  3. Drink 1 tsp, three times a day before meals. With severe pain, increase the intake up to 5 times.

Pine nuts with pancreatitis

This disease, in which the normal operation of the pancreas is disrupted. To restore it requires a special diet, which should include a lot of fruit. Kedrach in this diet comes with extreme caution. If a person has suffered an acute period, then they should be abandoned. Knowing what benefits are from cedar nuts, do not forget about contraindications. The ailment can sometimes exacerbate, and in such periods, nuts are strictly forbidden. It is a heavy and fatty product that can not quickly assimilate in a sick and irritated organism.