Carnival for children

To tell the story of the appearance of the Maslenitsa holiday for children in Russia means to introduce them to the traditions of the Russian people, which have been counted for thousands of years. The roots of the celebration go far into the depths of the centuries, because this day was celebrated by pagans, but remained in the traditions of the people after the adoption of Christianity.

Shrovetide: brief description of the holiday for children

The story of what Maslenitsa is, for children, should be short enough, because if you give them all the information available, most likely because of their age, the kids will not understand the meaning of this action and will simply get confused.

The story about Pancake week for preschool and primary school children should consist of the following items:

  1. Why the holiday has such a name.
  2. What exactly is celebrated this week.
  3. Why is the Shrovetide festival for children and adults so noisy.
  4. How the people were entertained during the celebration.
  5. Why pancakes are the symbol of Maslenitsa.

So, the name of the holiday occurred, of course, from the word "butter", since it is it, as well as other dairy products, that can still be used without restrictions at this time. After a week comes the Great Lent, and therefore on Shrove Tuesday, people tried to eat for the future with all sorts of dishes with a lot of oil.

The holiday itself is a farewell to a long, heavy, cold winter, which on a holiday comes in the form of a straw effigy. Winter's grindings are carried out by all sorts of songs, dances, rides of stuffed animals from ice hills. Particularly interesting for the children of the Maslenitsa tradition, when at the end of the week the straw winter is burned at the stake, so that spring will come soon.

On a holiday it is accepted to spend noisy and cheerfully. This is done in order to "wake up" by their actions spring, so she did not "oversleep" and came on time. In addition to folk festivals, the most wonderful tradition of Maslenitsa was baking pancakes.

Eat them with butter, honey and each mistress has her own proven recipe. Pancakes became a visiting card of the holiday because of their similarity to the spring sun, which the people are waiting for - round, yellow and hot. Pancakes are served directly in the streets at the height of festivities and in every house where guests are received daily during the whole week.

The week of celebrations ends on a forgiven Sunday. On this day it is customary to ask forgiveness from relatives and friends for possible grievances. Children from an early age are useful to learn about this from their parents.