Crafts for children

So autumn came. Now is the time to collect natural material, such as leaves, to make from them with children a variety of crafts . For children's work, acorns , shells from nuts, twigs and dried flowers will also suit. All the gifts of autumn that can be kept for future use will be useful, in order to entertain the children in the late autumn or winter.

The master of beautiful crafts from dried leaves, children learn by their own hands to create small masterpieces and imperceptibly improve the dexterity of their fingers, which positively affects the fine motor skills.

Parents can tell what kind of craft to make from leaves, when the child is still small. The scope for creativity is very great and in the process of working together the child himself will already offer various options. Very much it is pleasant to babies of application, after all to carry out them it is simple. Watching how a funny animal turns out from a regular leaf, children learn to fantasize themselves.

You can create crafts from bright leaves, such as yellow, red, orange, or come up with compositions of neutral brown-beige tones. Supplement the application can be any means at hand in the form of buttons, ropes and pencil-finished details.

Natural artifacts from leaves can be assembled with details made of plasticine, chestnuts or nutshells. A child should be given freedom for creativity, and then he will be proud of his achievements. From crafts, you can arrange a mini-exhibition of a young master.

Particular interest for children is crafts made of skeletonized leaves. For this, it is necessary to prepare dense leaves and carry out processing with the help of chemical agents, to obtain the skeleton of the leaf. After that, the workpiece is dyed in various ways and makes a variety of compositions.

Older children, apart from applications, can make jewelry from leaves for their room or hall, where an autumn holiday is held. For this, the natural material is painted with acrylic paints.

Natural crafts made of leaves can be used in everyday life, if you make a vase for jewelry from them. For this, large leaves are used which glue together and cover with a layer of varnish. In addition, you can supplement such a vase with rhinestones and sequins.

Master class of rose from maple leaves

  1. In order to make a bouquet of roses from autumn leaves, it will take very little - a roll of green braid, a strong twig and freshly picked, but not dried leaves.

  2. To make such crafts from leaves step by step can even the child of 5-6 years with a little help. First we make the middle of our rose, turning the edges of the leaf to the center. Inside is a stick that will serve as a stalk.

  3. This is the basis around which the petals will be located, it should turn out.

  4. Take the next sheet and bend the sharp edges, twist around the middle.
  5. It is not necessary that all leaves are the same color. On the contrary, if the shades are slightly different, then this will only give a highlight to our roses. Like step 3, the following steps are also performed until a beautiful flower is obtained.
  6. To close the gray stalk-stalk and give it a natural appearance, wrap it with a green ribbon from any improvised material. This will hide the protruding legs of the leaves and firmly fix the bud on the stem.
  7. If you plan to make a large bouquet, then the branch for the stalk should be taken more properly.
  8. Here we have such beautiful flowers. Now they can be placed in a suitable vase and decorate it with a shelf or coffee table. When the leaves dry, they still retain their beauty and can stand as much as they want. To make a wreath of flowers for an autumn morning performance in a kindergarten for children, you can use such artifacts-roses from the leaves.