Children's menu

A healthy and balanced diet is the guarantee of the health of every child. Unfortunately, in recent years, doctors have increasingly found in small patients disorders in the digestive system and, as a consequence, various diseases. And yet some dozen years ago, parents did not know about such problems. The causes of childhood diseases are unhealthy foods that contain high cholesterol, as well as fast food, and various concentrates.

The children's menu is carefully designed for young children. When a child grows up, parents switch to other problems and proper nutrition goes to the background. The children's menu from 1 year increasingly resembles an adult daily diet. And if you add to this stress, non-child load, low mobility, then the disease is guaranteed to the child. In modern children under 10 years of age, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and even gallstones are more common.

To protect the child from ailments associated with digestion, healthy eating should be given much attention. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of the child all harmful dishes: fast food, spices, ready-made pates, smoked products, spicy seasonings and coffee. Food plays an important role for the full growth and development of children. Therefore, the children's menu should be correctly drawn up for each day, in accordance with the age of your child and the season.

    If you want your child to grow up healthy and active, then you should follow the following tips when choosing recipes for children's dishes:

  1. The menu for daily high-grade baby food should contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Each vitamin has an irreplaceable influence on children's development: vitamin A is useful for eyesight and respiratory system, vitamin B improves metabolism, vitamin C strengthens children's immunity and protects children from infectious diseases, vitamin D promotes growth of the bony system of the child.
  2. The children's menu for kids aged 1 to 2 years should be varied. Newborn babies feed on mother's milk and together with it they receive a full complex of elements necessary for the full development. The children's menu for an older child should include wheat bread, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. In the children's diet can be fished meat, fish and eggs in small quantities. After 3 years, a child can consume almost all foods. The main thing is that the food is not greasy, smoked or spicy. Choose such recipes for children who do not contain these foods harmful to the growing body.
  3. Menu in the kindergarten. If your child goes to kindergarten, do not be lazy daily interested in the menu. Recipes of the children's menu in the gardens should comply with the recommendations of doctors. Unfortunately, in some state institutions doctors do not pay attention to medical advice. Therefore, make sure that the menu of the kindergarten or camp is balanced and useful.
  4. Children's menu in the restaurant. Many modern parents prefer to arrange a children's birthday in a restaurant or cafe. While releasing a child for such an event, be sure to ask the menu. If the festive treat contains harmful to your mind dishes, discuss this issue with the parents of the birthday man. You can order something separately for the child or feed him at home before the holiday so that he uses as little unhealthy food as possible.
  5. If your child does not eat well, try to diversify the children's menu or brightly decorate dishes. As practice shows, children with great pleasure eat from colorful dishes and bright spoons. There are a lot of recipes, how to make a baby dish - hedgehogs from salad, animals from porridge, soup with a smile from sour cream.

In addition to healthy eating, pay more attention to the children's daily routine. Active and active games, creativity and valuable rest have a huge impact on the mental and physical development of the child. If a child spends a lot of time in the open air, then an excellent appetite is guaranteed to him.