Methods of education

In order for the baby to grow into a harmonious personality, this will have to be worked on day after day, throughout the growing period. There are about ten methods of raising children. Consider some of the most popular ones.

Modern methods of education

These include training in various early-development schools. This follows the methodology of Glen Doman, the development of Nikitin and the use of benefits Zaitsev . All this - active methods of education, when parents not only observe the development of the baby, but also take part in it directly from birth. The method of Maria Montessori and Waldorf Pedagogy, on the contrary, are designed not to interfere in the harmonious process of cognition of the surrounding world.

Traditional methods of education

People with a conservative character do not consider it necessary to educate their children in any other way than they brought them up. Therefore, in their arsenal of methods, traditional belief, through explanations, the instruction of the child to work, education by example, encouragement and punishment.

Punishment and promotion as a method of education

We all know the method of "carrot and stick" for many parents, the main way to educate their children. For a bad deed, the child must be punished, but, for example, you can be rewarded for good studies. The main thing is not to bend the stick so that the child does not become an extortionist. If the kid is rebel by nature, he should not be constantly subjected to parental repression. By punishment is meant the deprivation of a child, some benefits, but not a corporal punishment.

The game as a method of education

Remarkably reveals the inner potential of the toddler pursuits, which are held in a playful form. After all, it is so characteristic of children, and they do not even suspect that by playing around with any situation, they learn to find the right decision in life. Various psychological problems of the baby are easier to adjust with the help of games and fairy tale therapy.

Conversation as a method of education

Children who have entered adolescence should be educated by the method of talking heart to heart, because basically all other methods are no longer effective. Adult child feels that he is perceived as a person, and this has a good effect on the relationship between him and his parents.

Method of free education

The meaning of this method is that, without any pressure from adults, from diapers to grow an independent personality. The child is free from birth, he is not born to the parents, but belongs to himself. But one should not confuse free upbringing with connivance and indifference to the fate of the child. Unfortunately, and this is present in some families, but this method is criminal in relation to the child.