How to celebrate 2 years old child?

We are used to the fact that the first birthday of the baby is celebrated on a grand scale, numerous relatives and friends are invited to it and all this pompous event takes place in a cafe. And how to celebrate 2 years old child?

Where to celebrate 2 years old child?

At the age of two, the baby already understands who he is, and has his own habits and character. But for now, the shyness and fear of the new situation have not gone anywhere. Because not to spoil the child's child's birthday in 2 years is better to spend it in a familiar home environment. After all, there will also be unfamiliar and unfamiliar guests, which is also a stress for a little birthday.

Registration of a hall for celebrating a birthday in 2 years

Depending on the scenario of the holiday, a room for him is made out. At the age of two, babies are interested in jewelry made of balls and toys made of them, which can be played. You can decorate the room yourself or invite experts from the studio of balloons.

If you plan a themed holiday, then the scenery is an imitation of the jungle or a cave with treasures. Babes-two-year-old adore a cartoon about Masha and the Bear, because the second birthday will actually be held in this vein.

Birthday of the baby 2 years - ideas of a festive feast

Depending on what will be the contingent of invited, depends on the holiday menu. If the holiday is planned purely for children, where parents will only accompany their children invited to the birthday party, then the children's menu should be as simple as possible.

Spices, smoked products and salads with mayonnaise and spicy sauces are excluded. Fried and fatty dishes are also not the place on the children's table. The main attention should be paid to the beautiful decoration of simple dishes. This is able to interest even children who eat poorly. In advance it is necessary to learn, that small invitees prefer, and whether they are not allergic to those or other products.

Cake birthday boy can be made to order in the form of toys, beasts, a story from a cartoon or a fairy tale.

Usually, celebrating the birthday of the baby in 2 years, the celebration is planned for the morning - when only kids are invited without parents or for a while after the child's daytime sleep. After all, no one wants to spoil the mood and guests and birthday boy, who are accustomed to sleeping in the lunch.

When parents do not have enough creative potential and imagination for organizing a holiday and are racking their brains, how to celebrate 2 years to a child, then it is better to give it to a professional.

People involved in the organization of children's birthdays know the needs of children of this age and will be able to easily interest all those invited to the holiday. In addition, the props and scenery they have their own, which greatly facilitates the training of parents.