Grapes - preparation for winter, first year

On how to prepare for the winter grapes of the first year, in the future will depend on its growth and yield. Therefore, gardeners pay special attention to this issue.

Autumn feeding of grapes in the winter of the first year

In the second half of the summer, it is necessary to stop fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen promotes plant growth, which prevents the ripening of its shoots.

In order to help shoots mature, you need to make potassium fertilizers (calimagnesium, potassium sulfate, wood ash). In addition, they will prepare grape well for winter and phosphoric fertilizers.

Pruning first year grapes for winter

In the first year of life, the correct pruning of grapes is very important, since with its help a future bush is formed. In subsequent years, corrective pruning is carried out.

The most suitable for grapes is considered to be a blind-free fan-shaped bush formation by the Guyot method. In the first year for the subsequent observance of this method it is necessary to grow a strong escape. In mid-October it is cut off, leaving two eyes from the soil level. The entire non-mature part must be removed. An indication of the maturation of wood is its brown color. From the wintering eyes of the ripened vines, spring shoots appear in the spring.

How to hide the grapes of the first year for the winter

Grapes, which will survive the first winter, must be hidden. Shelter is held in late October - early November. During this period, the vine still retains its elasticity, and it can be easily laid.

First, they dig a trench into which the grapes shoots. They are pinned to the ground and sprinkled with earth. In addition, an additional shelter is being constructed from any material (film, roofing paper, tarpaulin) or billet. When snow falls, it becomes an additional shelter for shoots.

Having well prepared the grapes for the winter in the first year, in the future you will get a healthy and strong plant.