Why does the baby hiccup after feeding?

Hiccups are very common and harmless in adults and children of different ages. Meanwhile, if this problem is regularly observed in a newborn baby, it can cause great concern for young parents. As a rule, nursing infants begin hiccup after feeding. In this article we will tell you why this is happening, and how the newly mum and dad can help their child to cope with this violation.

Why does an infant cry after feeding?

The most basic reason for explaining why a baby hiccup after every feeding is ingestion of air while eating. In this case, the mechanism of its entry into the stomach of crumbs may differ significantly, depending on what type of feeding the infant is on.

So, if a young mother often wonders why her newborn baby hiccup after breastfeeding, it is likely that the answer lies in the fact that the baby is not correctly grasping the nipple while applying. Under such circumstances, along with the mother's milk, a sufficiently large amount of air enters the baby's esophagus, which comes out in the form of regurgitation and hiccough. To avoid such phenomena, it is recommended to hold the baby upright for several minutes after feeding the baby until the eructation appears, indicating that excess air has left the body of the crumbs.

If parents are interested in the question of why their child is hiccup after feeding from a bottle, it is more likely that she should purchase a pacifier with a smaller hole for her. As a rule, air enters the body of the crumbs together with the mixture precisely when the hole in the nipple is too large.

In addition, factors that provoke hiccough may be different - an elementary overeating and bloating for various reasons. In both these cases, the walls of the intestine swell, exerting the strongest pressure on the diaphragm and causing it to contract.

How to get rid of hiccups that occur after feeding?

The first thing that should be done by young parents, who are worried about hiccups in a newborn baby, is to hold it vertically right after feeding. As a rule, in this case a belch arises in the crumb, from which excess air leaves, so that the hiccups cease. A child older than 6 months in this situation can offer to drink a little warm water.

Finally, in all cases, you should closely monitor the compliance with the feeding regimen. Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby, especially if he is on artificial feeding. Regardless of the baby's requirements, do not offer him a breast or bottle before 3 hours after the previous meal.