Perinatal encephalopathy

Any mother knows more clearly and clearly what happiness is. Her idea of ​​him is not blurred, like others' material, romantic and other colors of life. Her happiness is a healthy child! Unfortunately, not every woman who becomes a mother is allowed to experience him fully. Currently, quite often, babies are diagnosed with perinatal encephalopathy at the first examination of a neurologist, which indicates violations of the central nervous system. The perinatal period lasts from 28 weeks of pregnancy to the 7th day of the baby's life, it was at this time that some pathology or complicated births managed to interfere with your child's healthy organism. Causes could also be toxic fetal poisoning, infectious or chronic diseases of a future mother, nervous stress.

Sinister diagnosis

Perinatal encephalopathy sounds scary and incomprehensible to a young mother, and sometimes in complaints of worried moms, the doctor sees the following symptoms of the illness:

Upon examination, the neurologist can also establish a hypotonic or hypertonic muscle, which allows him to voice this diagnosis to his mother.

Let's move on to action!

It should be immediately said that perinatal encephalopathy is not a verdict and its treatment is quite successful with timely access to specialists. The most favorable period is the first year of a child's life. Of course, children with severe disorders of the nervous system are treated in a hospital under the vigilant control of doctors, but babies with mild symptoms manifest procedures, some of which the mother can hold at home - massage, herbal medicine, physical therapy. Very well the kids react to the gymnastics in the water, with a professional massage, babies cry quite often, and in the water the same exercises are given to them easily and without pain. Also, water procedures help to cope with colic in the tummy, and if the cause of the disease is fetal hypoxia, then diving will help. Vitaminotherapy is especially useful for encephalopathy, so breastfeeding is indispensable for such a diagnosis, because breast milk contains the entire storehouse of vitamins necessary for the baby.

If you do not start treatment on time, perinatal encephalopathy can play a cruel joke on the body, and then the consequences will not be so rosy. PEP in newborns, no matter how much better, can be treated. The diagnosis in the crumbs map set in the first weeks of his life is not a signal to grief and tears, it's a call to action! Children of irresponsible parents may begin to have a delay in development, violations functions of the brain and internal organs, hydrocephalus and, finally, epilepsy.

Best treatment

Recently, there have been more frequent cases when the diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy is unreasonably based on a cursory examination of the baby and complaints of the mother. In this case, the prescribed medication can only do harm. Engage with the baby, breastfeed and do not forget that the love and care of the mother works miracles, because crumbs with disorders of the nervous system, like no one else, need attention, gentle care, a sense of security and peace in the house.