Gold wallpapers

We have long been accustomed to the fact that fashion dictates what clothes and shoes should be, what color range is relevant, how and how to decorate the interior of their homes. Therefore ... to date, following the fashion trends, the highest step in popularity among the finishing materials for walls are gold wallpapers.

Gold wallpapers in the interior

You can safely say that the first association, which causes the mention of gold wallpaper for the walls - is the luxury and pomposity of the palace chambers. But even in modern small apartments it is possible to successfully use wallpaper with gold in the interior, because this color is akin to the sun - it fills the space with the warmth and joy of a sunny day. And that the interior does not look "overloaded" is widely used not shiny gold wallpaper, and matte with the effect of flicker. In addition, as it does not sound strange, the gold wallpapers harmoniously fit into almost all existing styles. For a classic style, wallpaper with gold ornaments on a deep blue, rich green or red, almost burgundy, background is suitable. For the rococo , what is called the classic of the genre, the golden monogram on a white background. The wallpaper with a barely visible gold stripe harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, decorated in Japanese style. But the wallpaper with gold flowers will decorate the interiors in the oriental style, as well as suitable for the Art Nouveau style.

But, in any case, it should be remembered that the abundance of "gold" visually reduces space. Therefore, designers advise to "dilute" the shine of this color with other colors, observing a 1: 3 ratio, and to use gold wallpapers in differently functional rooms is very selective. So, in a bedroom with a light interior in pastel colors, not only gold wallpaper will look good, but wallpaper with a gold pattern on a light background, echoing the overall color tonality of the room.

In the living rooms, with the help of gold wallpapers, they create a situation in classical style , emphasizing the luxury and splendor of the room. A favorite, and quite justified, reception of design in this case - decoration of one wall with wallpaper with a gold pattern on a colored background, and the rest - monophonic in color.

The kitchen with gold wallpaper will look good in the event that an interior with elements of solemnity is created. Light furniture in the old style will be appropriate here.

In the hallway, gold wallpaper is better to use if this room has enough intensive lighting - the light, reflected from the "golden" walls, will create the illusion of a large space.