How much does the baby sleep in 1 month?

Very often young moms have the impression that their newborn baby sleeps whole days. Often, this situation causes parents a strong concern and makes them think whether everything is in order with the health of the crumbs.

As a rule, after about a month the situation is normalized, and the karapuz already begins to enter into emotional contact with his mother and can not sleep long enough. However, this is not always the case. In order not to worry about trifles, it is necessary to know how much a newborn baby needs to sleep in 1 month, and whether to consult a doctor if the total duration of his sleep differs from normal values.

Child's sleep in 1 month

The organism of every newborn baby, like any adult, is individual. Despite the fact that the task of all babies is to sleep and eat, their needs are different, that's why the duration of sleep necessary for normal health and full development can differ.

Clearly answer the question of how many hours the newborn baby sleeps in 1 month, it is not possible. There are average statistical data that are accepted for normal indicators. As a rule, the month-old babies sleep about 18 hours a day, however, this value can differ by approximately 2 hours, both upward and downward.

The length of a night's sleep depends on where the baby sleeps and on what type of food it is. In most cases, moms, who feed their babies with their breasts, sleep with them together. In such a situation, a child usually sleeps at night from 8 to 9 hours, but at the same time he can wake up to 8 times a night to eat. Some young mothers note that their son or daughter at night is applied to the chest constantly, and that's why they do not refuse to sleep together.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, the duration of his night sleep, as a rule, does not exceed 6-7 hours. During this time, you will most likely have to get up 2 or 3 times to prepare a baby bottle with a mixture.

Daytime sleep of a month-old baby usually consists of 4-5 periods, the total duration of which can vary from 7 to 10 hours. In this case, the regime of the day in such crumbs is built differently. Some babies themselves fall asleep each day at about the same time and wake up at approximately the same intervals, while others turn out to be completely unpredictable.

At this stage, you should pay attention not to the duration of each period of sleep, but, conversely, to how long the baby does not sleep in 1 month. Do not let your child stay awake for more than an hour, because it's still too hard for such a crumb. If you notice that your baby has not slept long enough, try to put him to bed as quickly as possible, because if he overtakes, it will be extremely difficult.

Do not think that the behavior and character of your child must necessarily comply with some rules and regulations. The needs of each baby are individual, so specifically your child may need more or, conversely, less sleep and rest than other children.

If a month-old child does not show any signs of anxiety, eats well, has an allowable body temperature and a regular chair, and also begins to slowly show interest in the adults and subjects around him-there is nothing to worry about. If the baby constantly screams in a dream and, in general, makes you worry about your health, immediately consult a doctor.