Infants have increased thymus gland

The thymus gland (or thymus in Latin) is the central organ of the immune system that is located in the upper thorax and plays an important role in the child's body. Thymus gland is responsible for the development of cells of the immune system - T-lymphocytes, which are able to protect the child's body from various infections, viruses and bacteria. However, very often in infants, there is a pathology of increase in thymus - thymomegaly. If the thymus gland is significantly increased in comparison with the age norms, it is quite possible that the child develops various allergic reactions, as well as the occurrence of infectious and viral diseases.

Causes of an increase in the thymus gland in a child

It should be noted that this disease is transmitted genetically to babies. In addition, an increase in the thymus gland in infancy can occur as a result of pregnancy pathologies, transmitted infectious diseases by the mother, or in the case of late pregnancy. In addition, this pathology can be formed against the background of other diseases of the blood or the endocrine system. Increased thymus gland in a child - symptoms:

Increased thymus gland in infants - treatment

More often, an increase in the thymus gland in infants does not require special treatment. As a rule, by 5-6 years this problem disappears by itself. However, more attention should be paid to strengthening the immunity of the baby, and also to take care of a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, it is necessary to comply with the regime of the day when the child will get plenty of sleep and have enough time in the open air.

In some cases, with severe form of thymomegaly in children , the baby may need treatment, which should be performed under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist.