PPCNS in children

The risk of perinatal damage to the central nervous system (PCNC) is probable in a child during intrauterine development and after birth until seven days of life.

What is the diagnosis of PCNC?

PCVC is observed in 10% of newborn babies born on time, and about 70% of the total number of diseases in premature infants.

Causes of PPNC in children

PCNC in a newborn can result from the presence of the following:

The risk of PCNC is higher if there are predisposing factors:

PCNC in newborns: symptoms

In the case of the diagnosis of a newborn child, the child has the following signs of having a pts:

As a rule, by the year of the child, manifestations decrease or disappear completely. However, perinatal lesions can have long-term consequences:

PCNC in newborns: treatment

In an acute period, a newborn child enters the intensive care unit for complex treatment:

The feeding of the child is carried out by means of a probe or by a breast in dependence of the severity of the course of the disease.

In the recovery period, the main task is to reduce the manifestations of the neurological symptom. Against seizures, a doctor can prescribe phenobarbital , radomor, finlepsin, with frequent regurgitation - motilium or cerucal, in the presence of motor disorders - alizin, galantamine, dibazol, proserin.

To reduce hemorrhages, the drug is prescribed lidazu. To restore the trophic processes of the brain, nootropic drugs are used: pyracetam, glutamic acid, cerebrolysin.

To stimulate general reactivity to a newborn child, a course of therapeutic massage and special gymnastics is conducted.

At the slightest suspicion of parents for the presence in the child of a perinatal lesion of the central nervous system, one should immediately seek advice from a neurologist for the selection of a comprehensive treatment. The sooner the treatment begins, the higher the probability of complete recovery of the child.

It should be remembered that the development of the child occurs individually, including the organization of brain activity. Such individual features of a newborn child in each specific case play an important role in the process of restoring the functions of higher nervous activity.