The first teeth in a child are the symptoms

The main headache of all parents of young children is the question of teething. All the ailments that occur in a child at this age are usually written off on them. In the main body, the symptoms when the first teeth appear are identical. Here we will try to study them, in order to understand which of them are really involved in the process of eruption.

The first tooth - how many months to expect it?

The timing of eruption in each child, of course, is individual, but there are statistical data that say that on average, the first teeth appear about six months. In practice, it turns out that the tooth can come out in 3 months, or be late and appear only by the year. And the one and the other option is the norm.

How much time do the first teeth cut? They can appear in pairs, or a few weeks after the previous one. But more often, as soon as one appeared, in a couple of days the second one pecked. The process itself is invisible to the eye - there was nothing in the morning, and by the evening a sharp corner appeared.

How the first teeth are cut - symptoms

Symptoms, according to which the mother accurately determines the beginning of the eruption, is somewhat. They begin to appear long before the first denticle is pierced. Already at 3 months old baby begins to pull in the mouth everything that fell on the arm and start plentiful drooling. All these changes occur against the background of the emerging nervous excitability - the baby becomes capricious, and regularly whimpers, gnawing at the same time fingers.

Officially diarrhea, fever, cough and snot, are not considered symptoms of the first teeth in a child. Although doctors acknowledge that, some signs often accompany eruption, and subside as soon as the tooth appears from the gum. But when the temperature lasts for several days, and the cough becomes wet and rales appear, this is the reason to call the doctor, because waiting for the tooth, you can simply skip the beginning of ARVI.

During the eruption of teeth, the immunity of the baby for some time weakens, which gives chance to pathogenic microbes to prove themselves. Therefore, in any case, a doctor's consultation will not interfere.

The most correct symptoms when the first teeth come up is the swelling of the gums in one or more places, if several denticles are expected at once. The closer the moment of "pecking", the more the color of the gum changes from red to grayish white. In a few hours you can see a white dot or strip on the site of the future tooth.

How to ease the pain with teething?

Modern medicine offers a variety of gels and ointments, as a distraction maneuver. They temporarily relieve pain, but, unfortunately, they can not completely remove them. In addition to medicines, rubber teethers come in, which are cooled in the refrigerator before giving the baby. Well recommended gum massage with a special silicone attachment on the finger, which you need to start doing regularly, as soon as the child turns 3-4 months old, without waiting for the child to have the listed symptoms and cut through the first teeth.