Chrypsis in a newborn

The appearance of a child in the home is inevitably accompanied by parental fears and unrest. Newly mum and dad catch every sigh of the baby and look intensively at him, reacting to the slightest changes in his condition or deviation from the supposed norm. One of the reasons for anxiety are wheezing in the newborn.

The first thing to do if a newborn has a hoarse throat or nose is to go to the pediatrician for examination for respiratory diseases. If the doctor has not found signs of the disease, the problem is not serious and can be easily eliminated on his own.

Causes of wheezing in newborns

Thus, one of the main causes of wheezing when breathing in a newborn is the anatomical features of the respiratory tract. So, the nasal passages are very narrow and the air, penetrating through them, creates a vibration of the tissues, which is audible as wheezing, this is due to the fact that the larynx has not yet acquired the necessary firmness.

Another reason for the newborn to wheeze is excessive dryness of the air. Most often this phenomenon is observed in summer and in winter - when central heating works. In this regard, mucus in the nasal passages of the baby becomes more dense and viscous and forms crusts that interfere with normal air circulation. To solve this problem, some principles of childcare should be reviewed.

So, it should be remembered that the normal temperature of the air in the children's room should not exceed 20-21 ° C, and the optimum humidity should be 50-70%. Daily wet cleaning is mandatory in the room where the baby is and regular airing. If the air remains dry, despite all the measures taken, a special humidifier will come to the rescue. What shakes the crusts in the nose, then for their removal and prevention, every evening after bathing, clean the spout with a cotton flagellum, having pre-drenched in it a special saline solution.