The most useful food

To be healthy and well-proportioned, it is necessary to include as much of the most useful food as possible in your diet. The composition of products includes a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, acids, fiber and other substances that affect the functioning of the body.

The most healthy food in the world

Dietitians and doctors recommend to include in their diet vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish, meat, sour-milk products , greens, etc. Of great importance is food useful for the stomach, especially if a person wants to cope with excess weight. Oatmeal and other cereals have an adhesive consistency that gently cleanses the stomach and envelops the mucous membranes. Honey - a very useful product, including for the stomach, because it helps digestion and normalizes the composition and process of producing gastric juice. Among the fruits is bananas, which have an enveloping effect, and they are able to heal a small erosion.

No less important is the healthy food for the heart, which should be in the diet of men and women. Among the fruits should be allocated avocado, which includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduces the risk of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, as well as potassium is important for the proper operation of the heart. Useful for the heart cereals that do not allow cholesterol to be absorbed in the body. In oatmeal, there is omega-3 , and these acids are important for blood vessels.

The diet should contain useful food for the brain, which will allow you to properly perform work, remember information, etc. The composition of fatty fish includes acids that cause the body to produce myelin, and this substance is necessary for the brain to correctly transmit information. To work the brain, antioxidants are important, which remove harmful substances, develop the cognitive function of the brain and memory. These substances are rich in blueberries and blueberries.