What is the dream of caterpillars?

Interpret the dreams is simple enough and every person can cope with this venture. It is important to first analyze what you see, taking into account all the details. For example, if you decipher dreams about a caterpillar, it's important to remember how it looked, what you did with it, etc.

What is the dream of caterpillars?

Such a dream predicts a meeting with insincere and bad people, so you should make an effort to avoid contact with them. It can also be an indication that in order to achieve success you will have to work hard. If you see a large number of caterpillars - this is a warning about the significant damage that will occur due to the activity of ill-wishers. Night vision, in which you crushed the caterpillar, predicts a meeting with the enemy, who for a long time dissolved gossip about you. It can also be a harbinger of luck that will accompany you in your affairs.

For a girl to see a caterpillar in a dream, then in the future one should expect a replenishment in the family. A dream in which caterpillars fall on you from trees is a symbol of that soon you will have to deal with the negative consequences of your actions. If the caterpillar creeps over you, then you should expect a lot of stressful situations and negative emotions . To see a caterpillar in your house is an unfavorable sign that promises the emergence of various conflicts. If you throw it away, it means that soon everything will be right and happiness and prosperity will come in the family.

What is the dream of a green caterpillar?

Such a night vision predicts a meeting with a person of the opposite sex, whom you underestimate. Dream interpretation recommends to reconsider their views.

Why do black caterpillars dream?

An insect of this color is considered an unfavorable sign, which predicts the occurrence of various troubles.