Actovegin during pregnancy intravenously

The drug Actovegin is a means of influencing the processes of tissue metabolism. Today, Actovegin is increasingly used in obstetric and gynecological practice, helping women to endure and give birth to a healthy child, even if certain complications were observed during pregnancy.

Actovegin is a drug that is made from calves' blood and contains amino acid derivatives and low molecular weight peptides.

Why are pregnant women prescribed Actovegin?

Actovegin during pregnancy activates metabolism in tissues, their nutrition and cell renewal. This improves blood flow in the placenta , reduces the risk of blood clots, which prevents the lack of fetus nutrients and oxygen and placental abruption.

Most importantly, Actovegin, acting at the level of the small blood vessels of the placenta, increases the energy reserve in the cells, and, consequently, the resistance of tissues to a lack of oxygen.

The use of Actovegin during pregnancy can pursue both preventive and curative purposes.

As a means of prevention, the drug is prescribed to those pregnant women who have previously faced the problem of miscarriage. Actovegin as a treatment is prescribed for pregnant women suffering from diabetes , toxicosis, in the presence of placental insufficiency, hypoxia, hypotrophy, delayed development of the fetus.

Actovegin effectively affects the venous and arterial blood flow. A good blood supply to the fetus improves his cerebral circulation, increases body weight, and is an excellent prevention of brain damage to the baby. arising from the second half of pregnancy and including the first postpartum week. The use of the drug helps to reduce the frequency of preterm birth due to fetal hypoxia and complications arising during pregnancy.

Actovegin during pregnancy is used in various forms: in ampoules - for injections, in tablets for oral administration. As a rule, with complications of pregnancy, which are accompanied by a threat to the health of the child, Actovegin is administered with a dropper intravenously. When the causes of fetoplacental insufficiency are eliminated, and the woman's condition stabilizes, injections of Actovegin are administered, or this drug is given in tablets. The course of treatment usually lasts about a month. The dosage and number of injections (receptions of tablets) of Actovegin during pregnancy per day is established by the attending physician taking into account the severity of the condition of the future mother and the degree of danger of this condition for the fetus.

In especially severe cases, 10-20 ml of Actovegin are administered intravenously or intraarterially. Then the drug is injected intramuscularly or intravenously slowly 5 ml once a day at the same time. A total of at least ten injections are performed.