A child of 3 months is a development that should be able to?

Until recently, a crumb was born, but time flies so fast that it's already three months already. At this age, kids learn new activities for themselves and become much more sociable.

Each district pediatrician will inform the young mother about what the child should be able to do in the 3 months of life, based on the development calendar. But after all, parents themselves need to know what to look for, and what activities the baby should be stimulated for full-fledged growth dynamics.

What can a child in 3 months?

Psychophysical development of the child in 3 months is interrelated, that is, not only his dexterity and motor activity develops, but also communicative skills. Particularly noticeable changes, in how the baby begins to react to the familiar faces of him smiling and walking. Now he no longer lies idly by, listening to what is happening without reaction, but wants to actively participate in everything.

Physical development and psychology of the child undergo significant metamorphosis in 3 months compared to a month ago. It would seem that only 30 days have passed, and the little man has changed outwardly, has become more active and curious.

The child is already beginning to reach for the toys hanging in front of him, and once hitting them with a pen, he tries again and again to extract an interesting sound. If the mother puts a light rattle in the palm of her hand, the child actively shakes it, realizing that the sound is coming from this movement.

About what the child can do in 3 months, you can argue, because every kid has an individual schedule, according to which he is improving. Most children at this age already easily turn over on the barrel and lie in this position. And the most active, throwing a leg on the side, one moment find themselves on the stomach and from now on, such an animal needs an eye and an eye.

But it will not be possible to turn back quickly, and therefore, after spending some time in the new position, the child begins to be capricious, demanding that he be put on his back. Not a minute passes, as the restless kid again finds himself on the tummy, and so endlessly.

Lying on his stomach, a three-month-old baby already holds the head well , leaning his hands against the surface of the swaddler or crib. On hands in a vertical position the child already independently holds a head, but the insurance nevertheless is still needed.

If the mother noticed that the baby is too throws his head back and strains - this is an occasion to turn to the neurologist for examination of the hypertension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The doctor will prescribe a course of massage, which is very useful for the development of the child and will remove unpleasant symptoms.

Development of a premature baby in 3 months

When a kid catches up with his peers, it depends not on age, but on the weight with which he was born and on the weight that he typed. The closer it is to the norm, the more actively the baby develops.

Most often, premature babies respond to their mother in 3 months with a smile, recognizing the native face. They also begin to follow the moving bright object with their eyes. From the physical skills of such babies appears that they begin to hold the head for a while in a prone position on the tummy.

Babies born before the term, as no one else is shown a course of general and therapeutic massage, which strengthens the muscular system.