The Ripley Museum

The Ripley's Believe It or Not museum is nothing more than the rich heritage of the famous English collector, researcher and journalist Robert Ripley. He all his life collected such unusual objects, the interest to which many have not lost until now.

Annually one of the best metropolitan museums is visited by millions of tourists from all over the world. If you are looking for vivid impressions, something so unusual and unusual, then welcome to the Ripley Museum "Believe It or Not", located in Copenhagen .

"Believe it or not!"

What can I say, but it is here that visitors have the opportunity to see, for example, the unusual beauty of a harp, which you will not believe, but without strings and at the same time you can play amazing melodies on it. Also, you will be surprised to see the tiny Taj Mahal, built from 400 thousand chips.

Do you want something very special? As you are: queen Queen Margrethe, true, created with the help of food packages. A bit frightening, but quite interesting to see a man with four pupils, the skeleton of a giant mammoth, and also the robot of the future.

Visiting this museum, you will be able to learn how to write a letter on a rice seed. Thanks to interesting exhibits, you will understand how to kill a gloomy vampire, and look at the convict who survived the death sentence (and this after the release of 14 bullets). Moreover, get acquainted with the Scotsman, who has a tattoo with a picture of 102 Dalmatians under the kilt, and also learn how it is possible and at all possible to maintain equilibrium in a tunnel that continuously rotates.

How to get there?

The Ripley Museum "Believe it or not," is located not far from Copenhagen's central railway station, so you can get there either on foot or by bus number 59, stop "Radhuspladsen". Near the museum there is one more attraction of Denmark - the world of G.Kh. Andersen , who will be very interested to visit the whole family with children.