Draniki - calorie content

Golden and crispy - potato draniki not without reason enjoy the love of many people. Despite the fact that this dish is far from being dietary, housewives often can not refuse the pleasure of pleasing themselves and their loved ones with these delicious potato pancakes. For those who like draniki , but do not want to pay extra pounds for it, there are a few little tricks how to reduce the caloric content of this dish.

How many calories are in pancakes?

First, consider how many calories in the classic version of draperies. For their preparation, products such as:

In the traditional Belarusian recipe of this dish there are no eggs and flour, and potatoes and onions rub on the smallest grater. The calorie content of such pancakes is 190-200 kilocalories. In order to reduce the number of calories in them, you can use the following methods:

  1. Lay out ready-made pancakes on a paper napkin and blot on top of another napkin, so you can remove excess fat, and, therefore, reduce the number of calories.
  2. Add in the dish finely chopped greens - it contains a lot of fiber, which will increase the volume and weight of the dish, not bringing with you extra calories. In addition, vegetable fibers will absorb excess fat, and remove it from the body, without letting "settle" on the waist and hips.

Often, potato pancakes are added with flour and eggs, which increases the calorie content of the dish, albeit on a small scale. In addition, flour deteriorates the taste of these potato pancakes, making them slightly "rubber". Caloric content of pancakes with flour and egg - 200-220 kilocalories.

Draniki with meat, or sorcerers

Sorcerers are also a very popular dish. They are draniki stuffed with minced meat, flavored with onions and spices. The caloric content of pancakes with meat lies in the range from 230 to 280 kilocalories and depends on the type of meat. The most "heavy" are pork choppers - 270-280 kcal, with chicken breast and low-fat beef - more "light": 230-250 calories.