Boiled potatoes - calorie content

On the tables of many people dishes from potatoes are very popular: roast, boiled, baked, etc., however, few people think about the calorie content.

How many calories are cooked in potatoes?

If we talk about the raw form of potatoes, its calorie content does not exceed 80 kcal per 100 g of product, despite the fact that there is an opinion about its high nutritional value, which is sure to harm the figure. It should be noted that much depends on what kind of cooking you prefer and what usually you serve it on the table. So, to be precise, in boiled potatoes without peel contains 85 kcal per 100 grams, and if, in many cases, potatoes in "uniform", then not more than 75 kcal per 100 g.

Do you always add something to the potatoes? Then the caloric content will be as follows:

Puree from potatoes during a diet

This dish, which is very popular among Europeans and North Americans, has a calorie content that does not exceed the boiled potatoes - 85 kcal per 100 g of product. But, again, if you add any products to it, you, thereby, not only improve its taste qualities, but also increase nutritional value:

  1. The classic recipe for combining crushed potatoes with milk and butter will give you a caloric value of 133 kcal.
  2. If you cook mashed potatoes on the water, adding a little vegetable oil, get only 120 kcal.
  3. Taking care of your figure, do not forget that dieticians recommend preparing a potato dish on the water, filling it with vegetable oil and raw chicken egg. In this case, you will receive 130 kcal.

Caloric content of potatoes in "uniform"

This was said a little higher (75 kcal / 100 g), but this issue should be considered in more detail. So, the protein in it is contained in the amount of 10 kcal, carbohydrates - 64 kcal, and fats - only 1 kcal. Not only that potatoes baked in the skin are useful for their low calorie, but also because they contain a number of nutrients ( folic acid , vitamins C, B1, B2, B3).