Chemical elements in the human body

The fact that a person eats every day and drinks, contributes to the intake of almost all chemical elements in his body. So, today some of them are in us, tomorrow - no longer. The most interesting thing is that scientific research has proved that the number and ratio of such elements in a healthy body of different people are almost identical.

The importance and role of chemical elements in the human body

It is worth noting that all chemical elements can be divided into two groups:

  1. Microelements . Their content in the body is small. This indicator can reach only a few micrograms. Despite a small concentration, they participate in important biochemical processes for the body. If we talk about these chemical elements in more detail, then they include the following: bromine, zinc , lead, molybdenum, chromium, silicon, cobalt, arsenic and many others.
  2. Microelements . They, unlike the previous species, are contained in us in a large number (up to hundreds of grams) and are part of the muscle and bone tissue, as well as blood. These elements include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine.
  3. Undoubtedly, in most cases, chemical elements have a positive effect on the human body, but it is possible, let's say, at the golden mean. In the case of an overdose of any substance, functional disturbances occur, and an increased production of another element occurs. So, an excess of calcium leads to a deficiency of phosphorus, and molybdenum - copper. Moreover, a large amount of certain trace elements (chromium, selenium) can have a toxic effect on the body. No wonder they say that before taking any vitamins, it is important to consult a doctor.

The biological role of chemical elements in the human body

Everyone knows that in us is almost the entire periodic system of chemical elements. And here we are talking not only about those substances that have a positive effect on the body. So, arsenic is the strongest poison. The more it is in the body, the faster there are violations in the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys. But at the same time, scientists have proved that in a small concentration, it increases the body's resistance to all sorts of diseases.

If we talk about the iron content, then for a good health a day, you need to consume 25 mg of this chemical element. Its lack provokes the occurrence of anemia, and an excess of sidereous eyes and lungs (the deposition of iron compounds in the tissues of these organs).