Winter fun for children

Many children love the winter and wait for it for a year. This is due to a large number of holidays and the opportunity to play with snow. But often adults do not know what you can entertain your child on the street in winter, and the walk quickly ends. But outdoor games in the winter are very necessary for strengthening the children's body.

There are many Russian children's outdoor games that are held in the winter on the street. About some of them we will talk in our article.

Snowball Games

The most common winter fun for children. There are several options, how you can play it:

More adult children will gladly build more shelters or even whole fortresses from snow.


You can ride on sledges, skis, polyethylene oilcloth from snow or ice slides. Before this, it is necessary to involve children in the construction and improvement of slides (fill with water, collect stones and rubbish, make fencing or springboards). While the child is small, it is better if the adult will ride with him. If there are many children on the hill, then you can ride a pair, a train or a race.


Children of any age will be very interested to get acquainted with the traces of animals and birds, and then already learn to find them themselves on the snow.

The game "Track in the trail" all very much. To do this, you have to run or just walk one after another, not leaving your tracks, that is, trying to step into the already set.

Molding out of snow

Like from wet sand, almost anything can be molded from snow. Of course, the most popular figure is a snowman, but if you want you can blind people, animals or fairy-tale heroes. With children 2-3 years begin to sculpt simple pasochki using buckets and special forms, they learn how to roll snowballs. Also, children often mold castles, fortresses, fences or houses, which can later be used for role-playing or moving games.

Drawing in the snow

One of the safest winter activities for children is drawing on snow. There are several options for conducting it:

At such employment, it is necessary to watch, that the child, having taken a great interest in drawing, has not overcooled.

guess who

Go out for a walk with the baby, especially in the park, forest or countryside, where there are many bushes and trees, teach him to find images in the snowdrifts formed. With older children, you can take small buttons or pebbles and complement the snow figures with eyes and a nose.

Blowing bubbles

Many children love soap bubbles and they are often allowed in the summer. And how much will be the joy, when with a slow blowing in the winter it will freeze, turning into a crystal ball. This is obtained only when the outside temperature is not lower than -8 ° C.

Role-playing games

For children, starting from 7 years, you can organize real quests, with the fulfillment of tasks, the passage of obstacle courses, various competitions. Independently they can play "Cossack robbers" , "blind man" and other outdoor games, rules that have long been known.

At any age, children will find it more interesting to play, if adults also take part in their games. Therefore, do not refuse to participate in the winter fun of children, it is useful for your health and mood.