The secret marriage of the star "Avatar"

Sam Worthington, an Australian actor who hails from England, known to all of us for the main roles in such films as "The Battle of the Titans" and "Avatar," secretly married. The most interesting thing is that such a significant event took place almost a year ago, on December 28, 2014, but only now the newlyweds opened all the cards.

Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle - secretly happy together

In an interview, the Australian model Lara Bingle admitted that she was married to Sam Worthington. In addition, at last, the couple decided to tell how the wedding ceremony was held, and why everything was so "intimate".

The wedding celebration was not held in a huge mansion, a famous restaurant, but in a couple's house in Melbourne. Moreover, the chief chef was the mother of the bride, and her assistant was Lara herself. About 10 guests attended the celebration, only the closest people.

As Lara notes, before an important day in her life she did not worry at all, on the contrary, she felt more than relaxed. What she remembered most in the pre-wedding turmoil is how she, being six months pregnant, wandered for hours on the frosty London in search of the perfect wedding dress. As a result, the choice fell on a white dress from Louis Vuitton.

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It will not be superfluous to note that doves meet from 2013, and already from this moment on, they did not devote a curious press to the secrets of their personal lives. The first clear proof of this is the wedding of the model and the star of the film "Avatar." The second is the birth of the first child, the details of his birth were sealed after seven locks and only two months later, in May of this year, the couple announced publicly that the young family was replenished with another member of the family.