Beetroot kvass for weight loss

Kvass is not only a pleasant soft drink, but also a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Regular use of it inevitably leads to increased metabolism , so that it will be much easier to achieve the desired results in losing weight. In addition, beet kvass for weight loss allows you to cleanse the body of toxins, due to which all systems begin to work more efficiently.

Use of beet kvass for weight loss

Our ancestors never wondered if there is any benefit from kvass, as they firmly knew that this particular beverage increases their efficiency, immunity and allows them to feel vigorous under any stress.

Specifically, beet kvass differs also with its cleansing properties: it removes harmful cholesterol, free radicals and toxins, due to which there is a general cleaning of the filtering organs (kidneys and liver), and many other systems of the body. That is why such a drink effectively helps to fight with extra pounds.

The recipe of beet kvass for weight loss

Prepare beet kvass at home is very simple. We will consider a classic recipe, which is quite suitable for making purifying beet kvass for weight loss. In addition, an interesting option is the beet-bread kvass.

Beet Kvass



Beetroot thoroughly rinse and cut into large slices. Fill them with a three-liter jar to half and pour up the water. If you decide to add fresh mint leaves, this should be done at this stage. Close the bank and put it in a warm place, or wrap it in a fur coat. By the end of the fourth day, the fermentation process will be finished - on this day the liquid must be filtered, and honey, if desired, is added to the drink. Now kvass is ready for use! To reduce the total caloric content, you can refuse the addition of honey.

Beet and bread kvass



Beetroot thoroughly rinse and cut into large slices. Fill them with a three-liter jar to half and pour over the finished home kvass. In a day the drink will be ready! Do not experiment with purchased kvass, as a rule, such drinks are prepared from concentrates, and not through fermentation.

Prepare kvass from beet for weight loss is very simple, and the earlier you do it, the sooner this amazing invigorating drink will be ready.

Beetroot kvass for weight loss

Do not rely only on kvass: you probably understand that they recovered not from the lack of kvass in the body, but from excess nutrition, cravings for sweets, flour, fat and harmful. That is why on the way to slenderness kvass is only an additional means, and the basis of weight reduction is your conscious attitude to nutrition.

To introduce a diet based on proper nutrition in your schedule, you need to clearly imagine it. For this we will consider several options for the diet :

Option 1

  1. Breakfast: fried eggs from two eggs with a tomato, a glass of tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch: a portion of light mushroom soup, a small slice of bread, a glass of kvass.
  3. Afternoon snack: an apple or an orange.
  4. Dinner: chicken breast or fish with garnish of buckwheat, kvass.

Option 2

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with apple or berry, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch: a portion of borsch with chicken meat, a slice of bran bread, a glass of kvass.
  3. Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt, 1 rye bread.
  4. Dinner: beef (no more than 150 g) with a side dish of zucchini or broccoli, a glass of kvass.

Eating so, not allowing the use of fatty sauces and the use of sweets, white bread, baking, you will quickly bring your weight to the norm and you will smile at your reflection in the mirror.