Rules of the game pioneerball

When children play in the yard, they often prefer team mobile games . These games include pioneerball - a game sport using the ball, which originated in the thirties of the 20th century in the USSR. The name of the game itself was due to the fact that pioneers played in it in the courtyard. Pioneerball in the school enjoys special popularity, when pupils start playing in the schoolyard after graduation. This is not only an exciting and interesting game, but also a way for students to spend time, which is aimed at uniting the children's collective .

Description of the game in pioneerball

To understand how to properly play pioneerball and what its rules are, it is important to have some idea what this game is about and what material needs to be prepared.

In order to play pioneerball, you must have a volleyball net on the court. The ball for pioneerball must also be volleyball. The task of the players is to beat the ball with their hands by any means through the grid so that it is on the side of the other team.

It is necessary that the playground was large enough. This will allow players to move more freely during the game.

How does pioneerball differ from volleyball?

Moving game "pioneerball" is a courtyard version of the game of volleyball. Therefore, the rules of the game they have to some extent similar. Unlike volleyball, where the ball is beaten, in pioneerball it must be caught with your hands.

Also the distinctive feature is the number of balls. In Pionerball you can play as one ball, and several (usually two). While in volleyball it is possible to play only one ball.

Rules of the game in pioneerball

  1. Participants in the game are divided into two teams, the number of each must be from 3 to 8 people. The optimal number of participants is 14 people.
  2. A volleyball net or an ordinary rope is stretched through the middle of the playing field.
  3. On both sides of the grid are teams. Arrangement of players in pioneerball can be pre-drawn by the team captain on paper. In this case, there are certain zones in pioneerball, similar to volleyball: the front and back lines, where each team member is responsible for his zone.
  4. It is necessary to beat the ball to the side of the opponent. In this case, this action can be done no more than twice.
  5. If the ball touches the body of the player above the belt, then the kick is counted.
  6. Player No. 1 throws the ball at once with two or one hands.
  7. During the pitch, the ball should not touch the net, however, during play, touches are allowed.
  8. After winning, players move clockwise. The game ends at the moment when any of the teams will score 10-15 points and has no advantage in two points.
  9. If you win two games in a row, then the team will count the victory.
  10. With the help of the draw, the teams are determined with the choice of the side for the game and the right to feed the ball.
  11. After the first game is over, the teams change sides and the team begins to serve the ball, which last time lost in the draw according to the draw.
  12. The third game is decisive and if the team scored 8 points, then the sides change too. However, the same player performs the pitch as before.

It should be remembered that there are no official rules for pioneerball. They can be adjusted by the team members by agreement. At the same time, you can discuss the following questions:

Pionerball is the most popular domestic game, which again begins to gain popularity among modern schoolchildren.