Black raspberry - useful properties

Well, here it is asked, who does not know raspberries? Everybody knows! Red fragrant berry forests and gardens, firmly established on our table in the form of jam, compotes and jelly. Its place in folk folklore from folk tales to mischievous ditties has always been associated with beauty, sweetness and delicate taste.

And if, for example, ask about the beneficial properties of raspberry black? The answer will be simple - it's not raspberries, but blackberries! And that's wrong!

Black raspberry exists, and, despite the external resemblance to the blackberry, is a separate kind of raspberry.

Genus black raspberry from North America. She came to us recently, and only a few of the most advanced amateur gardeners can meet her. At the same time in Europe it is well known. The greatest popularity of black raspberries was in the UK, especially in Wales, France and Poland. It also occurs in Japanese gardeners.

Caloric content and properties of black raspberries

The calorie content of black raspberries is 72 kcal. The absolute majority of these calories account for carbohydrates. The low content of fats and proteins makes it attractive to people who are not indifferent to their shape, and allow us to respond positively to the most important question for most people - is it possible to eat raspberries with diet food. Of course, this high-carbohydrate berry can be replaced with less sweet foods, if you have already increased blood sugar.

Useful properties of black raspberries are due to its unusual composition. Black raspberries contain more iron than most other berries, thus contributing to the growth of hemoglobin in the blood, the lack of which causes anemia. It also contains vitamins A and C.

The black color of raspberries is caused by the content of pigments in it, which are called anthocyanins. They are strong antioxidants, improving vision, skin. Due to the high content of anthocyanins, black raspberries help to heal ulcers. According to the latest research of American scientists from Ohio, the constant intake of black raspberries reduces the risk of cancer to a minimum.

The utility of black raspberries for colds is known, has anti-sclerotic properties, prevents the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, and steadily lowers blood pressure .

According to the latest developments of scientists, black raspberries are able to remove radionuclides are better from the body than blueberries or currants.

The harmful properties of black raspberries

Among the contraindications it should be noted that in some people it can cause allergies. Actually, the harm of raspberry black in the fact that we are not used to it, and the body can simply not cope with a large dose of various biologically active substances in an unusual combination.

In addition, people suffering from gastritis, it is desirable to completely abandon the black raspberries. Harm can also be caused by the use of raspberries with cold drinks. It can cause sore throat. Therefore, hot tea after such a meal is very desirable.