What vitamins are in onions?

Onions have been used to treat many diseases since ancient times, and the healers of the ancient times have bestowed on him merit, detailing its medicinal properties. The therapeutic effect is achieved by a unique composition of components, including vitamins, which make up the onion.

What components are found in onions?

Onion composition is diverse in its components. It contains:

  1. A complex of microelements, such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus , sulfur. And in the priority here is potassium, a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Its content in 100 g of the product reaches 175 mg.
  2. In the heads of onions are found proteins, fats, carbohydrates. At the same time, the latter constitute a large part of it.
  3. In onions, there are water, dietary fibers and sugars in the form of poly- and monosaccharides, although in small quantities, as well as essential oils and phytoncides.

To be convinced of the usefulness of this vegetable culture, we need to know what vitamins are in onions:

  1. Onions include almost the entire complex of B vitamins, which affect the functioning of all body systems and, in particular, the nervous system.
  2. Defining the effective healing properties of this vegetable culture, it is necessary to understand which vitamin contains the onion in the largest quantity. Studies have found that it contains vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant and a fighter with viruses and harmful microbes. It is by its content that the bow occupies one of the leading places.
  3. Vitamin E, found in the turnip onions, has a positive effect on the preservation of the youth of the body, prevents its premature aging.

What is useful onions?

Onions have a lot of useful properties, the formation of which is provided by vitamins in onions:

Many people like fried onions, while often wondering whether the content of vitamins is reduced in fried onions. Studies have shown that it not only does not reduce the amount of vitamins, but also found a property of converting carotene to vitamin A, improving the state of sight and mucous membranes. And this means that the onion is useful in any form.