Erythematous gastropathy

To argue with the fact that the name of this problem sounds very scary, probably no one will take it. In fact, erythematous gastropathy is not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance. Although, of course, and underestimate this problem is impossible.

Types of erythematous gastropathy

To call erythematous gastropathy a disease is not entirely true. In fact, this is the medical name of the problem, which can be detected during an endoscopic examination. Speaking more clearly: erythematous gastropathy - the presence of redness and swelling on the walls of the stomach. Of course, such changes that occurred in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract can be noticed only when specialized examinations are carried out. In most cases, erythematous gastropathy develops against a background of gastritis .

Physicians identify two main types of problems:

  1. Focal erythematous gastropathy is a common phenomenon. It is characterized by an inflammatory process concentrated in one small area of ​​the mucosa.
  2. Common or as it is also called - diffuse erythematous gastropathy affects simultaneously a significant surface of the mucosa. Sometimes there are cases when hyperemia covers different areas of the stomach.

To panic at a kind of such diagnoses it is not necessary. These results of the survey do not always indicate serious health problems. Mucous can become inflamed if, shortly before endoscopy, you have eaten a spicy, salty or too fatty food. Adverse to the stomach is alcohol and strongly carbonated water.

Of course, to the erythematous gastropathy 1 2 of the degree of inflammation can result in a number of factors that require closer attention:

  1. Never forget about heredity. If relatives had stomach problems, it is very likely that they could be passed on to you. And erythematous gastropathy is perhaps one of the most innocuous "legacies".
  2. The destruction of the mucous membrane can be the result of the activity of fungi and gastric infection.
  3. Improper nutrition can not have no effect on health. And if a healthy diet is disrupted regularly, sooner or later it will lead to gastropathy, and subsequently to chronic gastritis.
  4. An important role is played by the person's way of life. The one who lives in constant stress, chances to earn erythematous gastropathy much more.

Treatment of erythematous gastropathy

Whatever the case, erythematous gastropathy is a nuisance phenomenon. Inflammations in an absolutely healthy body can not appear by themselves.

That the hyperemia has disappeared once and for all, the main thing that it is necessary to make, - to reconsider the ration. Try to exclude all unhealthy and heavy food for the stomach, replacing it with useful, rich in vitamins and minerals products.

Refusal of bad habits will be useful to everyone, especially patients with erythematous gastropathy.

With this diagnosis it is desirable to drink plenty of purified water and natural broth.

To restore the mucosa, you can use special drugs-antacids:

They have an astringent effect, thereby protecting the stomach and accelerating the healing process of mucous membranes.

It is very effective in erythematous gastropathy and treatment with folk remedies. The simplest thing is a gastric fee. Buy a dry mixture to prepare a decoction can be in almost any pharmacy. Insist that the collection is filled with boiling water for an hour and a half. After - take three times a day for half a glass before eating.