Cholesterol - the norm in women after 50 years

In the body of any person contains a huge number of different substances, but most of us in our lives did not have to hear anything. What can not be said about cholesterol. This substance is probably known to everyone. Not a secret, and the fact that the level of cholesterol should be carefully monitored by everyone, and especially the elderly.

The norm of cholesterol before and after 50 years

Cholesterol is a fatty substance. Mistakenly many believe that it can enter the body solely with food. In fact, this is a big mistake. With food and drinks (no matter how fatty they are), only up to 20% of the total cholesterol can enter the body. All the rest is produced in the liver.

The opinion that cholesterol is harmful is also incorrect. This substance in normal quantity is vital to the body. It is the main building material for cells. In addition, cholesterol takes part in the metabolism that occurs at the cellular level, and is required for the production of cortisol, testosterone, estrogen.

Speaking about the cholesterol norm in women before and after 50 years, specialists mean the so-called good lipoproteins. We will explain more clearly: in the human body, pure cholesterol is contained in a meager amount. Most of it occurs in special fatty compounds - lipoproteins. They are low and high density.

LNVP is an excellent building material. But if it is too much in the body, cholesterol will begin to settle on the walls of the vessels, as a result of which clots can form. A good cholesterol is attached to the bad and transports the latter to the liver, from which the harmful substance is safely excreted.

These processes can proceed correctly only if the level of cholesterol in women and men before or after 50 years will remain normal. Throughout life, an acceptable amount of fatty joints changes slightly. Ideally, the body of a healthy woman aged fifty cholesterol can vary between 5.2 and 7.8 mmol / l. The highest figure is considered quite normal, because against the background of menopause in the female body, there are more than serious changes.

The more lipoproteins of low density will be produced, the higher the probability of development of coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular problems. Insignificant deviations of cholesterol in women after 50 years are considered normal. But as soon as the amount of fatty substance greatly exceeds the norm, it is better to consult a specialist.

How to prevent the increase in cholesterol?

Preventing cholesterol is much easier than coping with the consequences of this phenomenon. It is necessary to closely monitor the level of this fatty substance in the blood of people who have a hereditary predisposition to heart disease, diabetes and other ailments.

To prevent cholesterol in women after 50 years, it is enough to observe a few simple rules:

  1. From the diet should be oily, too salty and peppery dishes.
  2. The number of physical exertion needs to be increased (within reasonable limits, of course).
  3. Once a year, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination and take all the tests.
  4. It is very desirable to give up bad habits.
  5. It will be very useful to control your own weight.

Specialists strongly recommend adding to the diet products such as: