Thunderstorm in winter - signs

Thunderstorm in winter is very rare. More often thunder and lightning can be seen in spring and summer. Nevertheless, today the planet undergoes climatic changes, there is a global warming. This is the reason for this unusual natural phenomenon.

As statistics show, thunder and lightning in the winter months happen about once every 7-8 years. As a rule, the air temperature is 5-6 degrees Celsius, and rain or sleet drizzles from the sky with hail. And what people say about the thunderstorm in the winter - later in the article.

What does a thunderstorm mean in the winter?

People's signs and beliefs came to us from antiquity. Trusting them or not trusting them is a private matter for everyone, however, a person is inextricably linked with nature, and often signs give an explanation to obvious facts. And what did they say about the winter storm in antiquity? Signs of a thunderstorm in winter do not favor:

Thunderstorm still remains one of the most mysterious phenomena of nature. In the old days it was believed that it was God's punishment, and lightning was God's main helper in the endeavor of destiny.

In order to warn ourselves against the thunderstorm and God's wrath, our ancestors used various means. So, in the house it was customary to keep a black cat or dog, which by its energy protected the hosts from a thunderstorm. And that the lightning did not strike the building, birch twigs, consecrated in the church to the Trinity , were inserted into the window openings and cracks in the roof.

Of course, people's signs are not the ultimate truth, however, they carry the wisdom of our ancestors and our people. Therefore, listen to the beliefs should be, but they will come true or not - we'll see.